Chapter 1

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"Good night darling girl

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"Good night darling girl."

I smile at my mother, hugging my sheets closer as she leans forward with a comforting grin. I can tell she is becoming tired and worrisome, the war having overpowered our lives. It's obvious in the wrinkles forming on her forehead and the grey hairs becoming evident in the brown. Yet, she always manages to make me feel calm despite the world turning upside down.


She kisses my forehead before turning off the overhead and walking out of my room, leaving me in darkness. Out of the corner of my eye I can see shadows of the trees outside crawling into my room, causing me to snuggle down into my blankets. As the warmth spreads, I sigh in content and let my body relax. Slowly my eyes droop and I begin to imagine my fantasy world of mermaids and fairies, when all of a sudden a loud siren echoes out. I yelp in fear, jolting out of bed with wide eyes. My once dark room is enveloped in flashing lights from outside, making me realise just how close the attack is tonight. Before I have time to react further, my brother's voice echoes out.


Shaking my head to rid myself of this fear, I run out of my room and to the living room only to see chaos. Andrew is running around gripping onto anything and everything he deems important whilst my mother is no where to be seen. Out the window I notice flashing lights getting brighter and brighter, meaning the planes are coming. Quivering ever so slightly, I reach out to my older brother and grip tightly around his bicep - squeezing my eyes tightly as an explosion suddenly goes off. Emitting a small scream, I refuse to open my eyes as I am pulled forward - letting Andrew guide me to the backdoor with ease. Sadly, this isn't the first time we've done this. As I feel my brother come to a stop, I glance behind me in worry of leaving my mum behind. Luckily, I watch as she tumbles towards us with supplies in her arms. Amongst everything, I notice a framed picture of dad smiling up at us all with his playful glint gleaming in his eyes. Gulping, I tear my eyes away from his face and ignore the sudden chill running through my body. The backdoor is thrown wide open and without protest run into the war zone that is our yard. I try and keep up with Andrew as much as possible, but my legs are much shorter than his. And I may or may not peer upwards into the sky, although I wish I hadn't. Dozens of enemy planes fly above us, searching for their next target which could evidently be us. Letting out another scream I focus on the ground, speeding up to reach the bomb shelter Andrew is already at. It's not very large, but big enough to comfortably fit the three of us for the night as well as our supplies. Diving through the open threshold, I crash onto the concrete floor with a yelp - no doubt scraping my knee in the process. I hear the metal door slam shut and the outside world becomes all the much quieter as I am succumbed to darkness. The only light comes from a poorly lit lantern in the corner of the shelter, simply making out my mother and brother's shadows moving across the room. I shakily make myself comfortable on the mattress furthest from the door, as per request of Andrew the first time this had happened. As I slowly lay down, I glance over at my mother who is covered in dust. She sends me a small smile as through trying to keep herself hopeful despite the current situation.

"Goodnight darling girl."

I gulp and try to smile, knowing all I can do is fall back asleep. Nodding softly I place my head down onto the worn out pillow, watching as my family does the same.


However, this time its a little less cheerful.


Letting out a subtle huff, I roll back onto my ride side for what feels like the hundredth time - my eyes fluttering open slowly. There is no possible way I'm getting back to sleep and I have no idea how long I've been attempting. Letting my eyes focus to the darkness of the shelter, I realise with a frown that Andrew has huddled closer to my mum and the two look to be conversing. Straining my ears, I try to focus on what they're whispering without them noticing I am in fact awake.

"Professor Diggory is able - 4 other kids - nice country home - however long it's takes-"

Huffing at the lack of context, I slowly sit up and walk toward the two with a frown on my face.

"What are you two talking about?"

Immediately, they bounce apart as though I caught them doing something illegal. Although in my defence I may have. Andrew suddenly shakes his head, gesturing to my mattress with an impatient grimace.

"Go back to sleep Soph."

I drop my mouth in offence at the rudeness, but knowing not to pick a fight I back away slowly. He's probably worried and tired - a combination that is never good. As I lie back down and try to get comfortable, a loud explosion echoes throughout the shelter. It sounds close, causing me to halter my actions in fear. When nothing happens I let out a breath of relief, closing my eyes to allow my imagination to run wild. Only it doesn't, and I am pulled into a dreamless slumber.


"Sophia, wake up."

Groaning ever so slightly, I rub my eyes as my body folds into a sitting position unconsciously. Letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness that shines into the room, I slowly notice Andrew sitting in front of me with a somber look. Behind him is my mother, glancing down at her hands as she rings them together - not a good sign. I glance between the two before settling for my mum who clears her throat in apprehension.

"Listen Sophia, I've decided to send you and Andrew away to the country for the remains of the war."

My eyes widen and I'm about to protest but her raised hand prevents me.

"Let me finish. All the children in the city are being evacuated to the country and a man has been kind enough to take the both of you into his home, along with 4 other children. The train leaves at midday today, so as soon as I let you out of this shelter you are to go to you room and start packing."

I stare at her, shaking my head. As much as I long to go and leave the fear behind me, there's no possible way that my mother could survive on her own. She's strong, yes, but alone for however long whilst in the middle of a war zone is something no one should have to be put through.

"No, I refuse to leave you alone."

For some odd reason she smiles at me, the fondness in her eyes dancing around. Suddenly, Andrew's voice catches my attention - my eyes focusing on his green ones instead of my mums.

"She won't be alone. And besides, we have to go. It's not up to us."

I splutter around for a good enough excuse to use but for once my imagination comes up short. Sighing I nod slowly, slumping down as I glare at the wall opposite me. I can't change this decision - I'm going to the country whether I like it or not.

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