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Aidans POV

I tried to comprehend what just happened today.

I seriously bump into he most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

She must of think I'm weird or something. FUCK.

I bang my head on my hand as I cringe at everything I do or say to girls since I'm not really good with girls.

I really hope I do see her again tho, at least become friends or something.

But damn.. I can't stop thinking about her. What's going on with me.


I quietly open the front door as I come home from school so my father doesn't hear me.

As I tiptoe upstairs trying not to make a move I can hear father yawning and waking up.

"Where do you think your going?" He questions.

"To my room.." you fidget with your fingers.

"Make me coffee" he falls back onto the couch and smacks his mouth getting comfortable again.

You do as your told and start to brew the coffee.

You finish making his coffee and hand it over to him.

He takes a sip of the coffee and gives you a look.

"It's fucking disgusting, why can't you do anything normally for once" He snaps at you.

You get hurt by his words but this isn't anything unusual. He says much worse.

You walk upstairs to your room and receive a text.

Mason: want to hangout?

Y/N: not in the moment..

Mason: Come on y/n, you never do shit.

Y/N: fine, were do I meet you?

Mason: my house:)

I grab my stuff and head out the door, I normally walk to his house since it's walking distance.

I arrive at his house and begin walking up the patio to open the door.

"I'm upstairs" I heard a shout, knowing it's mason.

"Hey" I say to him. "Hi" He reply's without saying anything to be while smiling on his phone.

"Um.. so how is college going." I ask him trying to get a conversation out of him but he doesn't answer me. And there's a awkward silence.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he giggles and looks back down at his phone.

"Are you drunk?" I question him knowing he is.

"Just a bit, don't worry about it sheesh" he fires back.

"Okay calm down" I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You need to calm the fuck down you slut!" He yells as he grabs my arms and pins me on the wall.

My breathing hitched and I'm terrified as fuck right now.

He looks at me up and down and then pushes himself off me and stares at me until he suddenly decides to slap me.

I grab my cheek to help the pain. I squint my eyes and look away.

"Leave, I will see you tomorrow" he murmurs as he clenches his jaw and grabs his hair to fix it.

I grab my stuff and run out of the house. It starts to pour really hard, like cats and dogs so my hair gets extremely drenched.

I sit down at the bus stop since I don't feel like walking home.

I rub my arms to warm myself up because it's pretty cold and I don't have a umbrella.

I am waiting for like 5 minutes until I heard my name. I look around to see who called it and I see a car in front of me.

"Y/N?" Aidan says in a questionable tone.
"Aidan?" I question back.

"What are you doing outside alone? Do you have a ride?"

"Im waiting for the bus" I reply back.

"Get in the car! It's way to cold outside." He screams due to the rain being too loud.

I stand up and run to the side of the car and enter the passenger seat.

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