Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Aisa. I'm a 6th grader. Go to All Shine middle school. Classroom 207 and 11 years old. I have a boyfriend name Blake. He's a jock and I'm a regular middle school girl but some popular girls and boys hate me. I real don't know why but they call me weird and a nerd when Blake isn't around. Ugh, how I hate that they call me that. I have weird friends but their nice and all when you get to know them better. Our gang is called "The weird gang." Blake likes all my friends he even made some of them his friends. The gang is :











and Me Aisa.

We have been friends for a long time well some. Jazz and Hell move to this school last year. Whe nthey came to the school they were getting picked on from the popular group but me and the rest of the gang came to help. That time I wasn't dating Blake. Also, I have two big brothers one in 9th grade Alex and Flash. Alex is Handsome that's what the girls say. Then Flash is also, Handsome and a Fast Runner. I know that your other family members are jocks and your not. Well let me tell you that those people hate me that's why. They are only nice to me when Blake,Flash or Alex is around but if not they would beat me up. But when my brothers see me and Blake all beaten up they go and find them and leave them in worse conduction then they did to me. That's mostly all my middle school life. Every day is the same old day. Go to school. Get beaten up. Blake or my brothers see me all beaten up and go and beat them up. Hang out with my gang at lunch and recces. Leave school. Then do what ever I want in my big house. Yup, my family is very rich. They own the the Star company. Yes my name is Aisa Star. I love my name. My parents said that when I was born at night in Aisa, they saw the the first star in the sky. That's where they got my name Aisa. Then Star was going to be my last name even if they didn't see the star. Anyways, that's about everything. Ugh, I wish to have a happy life and live with a wonderful family and most importantly live with a







Sorry end of this chapter. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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