Chapter 2: Zoey: The new girl from New York City

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Once they made it to school, Rachel and Rodney both saw Denny and Robin waiting for them.

"Morning, mates." Robin said, as he and Rodney fist bumped each other.

"Morning, Robin." Rachel and Rodney both said.

"Good morning, Rachel, Rodney." Denny said, smiling and waving to them as he walked up to Rachel.

"Morning, Denny." Rachel said before kissing him as he kissed her back.

"Morning, Denny." Rodney said, as the four friends hugged each other.

"So what are you guys doing after school today?" Denny asked.

"I don't really have any after school activities. So I'm pretty much free to do whatever." Rachel said.

"And Rodney and I have football practice today." Robin said, as Rodney nodded.

"Well I was asking because I was wondering if you all wanna come to my house, to do our homework together and then maybe watch a movie." Denny said.

"That sounds great, Denny. I can come over. But I'll have to ask my mum first." Rachel said, smiling as Denny smiled along.

"Awesome." Denny said, smiling. "Alright, we'd better get to class." He said. But before they could walk to the school building a loud explosion had caught everyone's attention.

"What on earth?" Denny replied, with a confused but shocked look on his face as a another explosion had occurred.

"Incoming!" A girl cried out as flying rocks were hurdling towards the school but just as it was about to hit the school; a flash of blue light came out of nowhere and immediately destroyed the rocks before they could it anything and everyone.

"Woah! It's a shooting star!" Robin cried out, excitedly, as the blue light continued destroying the incoming debris. While doing so, Rodney tried to get a better look at the flying blue light only to realize it was the same blue light from last night! "Blue light?" He responded, quietly while looking at the blue light in amazement not realizing that a huge bolder was hurdling towards him.

"Rodney, look out!" Rachel cried out, worriedly catching his attention as he screamed as he tried to duck for cover but just before it could hit him the blue light immediately flew towards him and what seemed like a few seconds later, he opened his eyes and realized that the blue light was in front of him as it continued crushing the bolder into tiny pieces; it then revealed itself as a girl, about his height and age with glowing blue hair and eyes with freckled cheeks. She was also wearing a charcoal grey and blue battle suit with a blue heart on the chest. "Don't worry you're safe now, earthling." She said before she flew off into the morning sky as Rodney began blushing like crazy.

No later after she had flown away, Rachel, Denny, and Robin all ran towards him and gave him a big hug of relief. "You're okay, thank goodness!" Rachel cried of relief.

"Here, here. What was that?" Denny asked, as Rachel and Robin both nodded.

"Better yet who was that, mate? She was pretty cute minus the incoming debris." Robin said, smiling.

"I-I'm not sure but she just saved my life and not just mine, everyone else's too." Rodney said, while he still had his hand on his chest.

"She called you, earthling?" Denny replied while raising an eyebrow before gasping. "Do you guys think she's from another planet?"

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