Chapter Two

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With a crash like that of thunder in the midst of an angry storm, James burst into a laboratory. Then upon spotting his newborn baby strapped to a table he was fueled with a whole new rage.

And as if empowered by the spirit of a god he tore through the doctors and mysterious agents in black. He didn't care what happened to them as they flew across the room and bounced off the walls, he just wanted to get his baby girl out of there.

Even being shot four or five times by the knocked down agents couldn't stop him from reaching his little girl. At which point he grabbed the straps holding her down and ripped them off before gently scooping up his little girl.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Three more rounds entered his back and he almost dropped his girl. James then pulled her close to his chest and dashed for the exit pushing all pain out of his mind and focusing only on getting his little girl to safety.

Now in the mean time James' father-in-law, Marcus Power had made a few phone calls and got the same officers that escorted him out of the hospital to escort him right to the lab in which he witnessed his son-in-law now stumble out of holding a small, crying baby close to his chest.

James fell to his knees at his father-in-law's feet and muttered what would become his last words, "Pa, please take care of my little Kitti-"

But that was all there was. James then fell rolling to the side so as not to crush the baby. He was trying to call her Kittirina. It was the name they'd picked out for her if she was in fact a girl when she was born. But that didn't matter now.

Looking down in his now dead son-in-law's arms he spotted the unique child that caused all of the strife, and though this was his granddaughter he couldn't love a cat thing. One of the officers after hearing a commotion from the lab scooped up the baby from her father's arms while the other two drew their weapons in case they were needed.

Marcus then lead the officers back to his daughter's room to give her the bad news that her husband was dead and all she had was that thing he called his child. Yet once the door was open and the officer brought the baby in and returned her to her mother things got a little harder for him.

"Oh isn't she just beautiful?" asked Lily  as she held her newborn baby girl.

"You realize that, that thing is a cat?" asked Marcus.

"That is our granddaughter mind you!" rebuked Lily's mother who'd been at her side since James had left.

"I think I'll call her Kittirina. James seemed to like that name for if we-" started Lily only to cut off and look around for her husband before asking, "Where is James? Where is my husband?"

Marcus just turns away not even wanting to look at the thing his daughter is calling her child. It was at that time when one of the officers removes his hat and knees next to Lily's bed before replying.

"Mame I'm sorry to inform you that your husband died trying to save your baby from." he paused and looked towards Marcus for assistance but after receiving none he continued, "Well Mame I'm not really sure what he had freed your little girl from but as we neared the lower labs he came staggering out of one holding your little girl close to his chest."

"He was an idiot to risk his life for that thing!" snapped Marcus, this made Lily look down at her baby once more. Could she really raise such a special child all on her own?

"Mame his last request was for us to take care of his little Kitti? I don't know if he called her this because of her appearance or if it was her name?" added the officer ignoring Marcus' comments, "Either way your husband is a hero and we'll stand guard until it is safe for you to return home."

"Kitti. His last word was her name or he tried to say her name. Kittirina." mumbled Lily to herself.

Confused and conflicted Lily asked to be left alone with her baby and her parents were happy to do so, but the nurse was hesitant until the officer gently escorted her out.

Once the room was empty lily looked down at the baby with a new hatred. She'd raise the child because it was her daughter and the only thing she had left of her husband but she'd never love it. No this beast took her husband from her and she'd never forgive it.

Now outside of the room Marcus was talking with the nurse down one of the hallways, "Most likely you'll be the only one allowed near the baby anytime soon."

"Yes sir." replied the nurse not sure what exactly he was wanting of her.

"Well I'll make you a deal. You kill that thing while my daughter sleeps and you'll never have to work another day in your life." replied Marcus with a grin.

"Sir? You want me to kill your grand baby?" confusingly asked the nurse.

"That thing isn't my grand baby!" replied Marcus, "Do we have a deal?"

"I don't know, but if I do it I'll let you know." sighed the nurse knowing it was wrong but she also knew she needed the money.

That night the nurse entered the room carefully, she'd decided that she needed the money and would do it. Yet as she approached the baby she felt a strange presence in the room. Just then as she leaned over the sleeping baby and was about to kill it she felt a hand on her shoulder and froze. She'd been caught.

Looking around she realized no one was there but then who touched her shoulder? Oh well she needed the money. This time she leaned over and found the baby awake and her eyes lined right up with Ktti's blue eyes.

To Be Continued...

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