A Firefly came along

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To inhale and hold on to breathe
is the only control left in my life
for exhalation brings forth tremors
the toxicity of those fumes I let out
with each breathe
can ultimately lead to combustion
given there's a spark nearby
and there's a Firefly
drawn to my darkness
but not satisfied with my silence
yearning to hear the notes that I hold
the keys that I carry
and lo
gutteral bellows echoes through the night
with no interference
the obvious songs of sorrow set my surroundings ablaze
illuminating the sky
with radiance only comparable to the moon itself
But the destruction thereof
will not be spoken of
and never again will I exhale
because well
the world needs more fireflies
and I
the abyss
only have one job
to hold the darkness that others cannot
give me your pain I know you can't bare
and I'll keep it safe
in a cage beneath my ribs
locked with the keys of eternity
because in past lives
I've been here before
I've always been here
             -la sombra de la muerte

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