"What the?"

"I'm just joking. So basically to summarise everything, you're crazy about him."

"Do I sound like that?"

"I guess even love can turn a knight so soft and fuzzy."

"Hey, you're not making fun of me, right?"

"How can I? Is it not a fact?" Alice exclaimed as she continued walking ahead of Ishilda. "So what's his name?"

"Rowen Tenebris."

Alice abruptly came to a stop. Ishilda was worried when Alice became quiet all of a sudden. From the start, Ishilda had known about Alice. She didn't thought of revealing herself because she wanted a chance to get to know her sister-in-law better. Ishilda wanted to form her own relationships with her new family without Rowen's help. She had always imagined Alice to be just like a cute younger sister she always wanted.

But in fact the supposedly cute younger sister was the total opposite. What Rowen forgot to mention among the countless praises he showered upon his younger sister was that Alice had a bit of a brother complex. In Rowen's eyes, there was nothing wrong about it but for those who was interested in her brother, it was a bit concerning and Ishilda was about to be Rowen's wife.

As Ishilda crept to her side wanting to see if Alice was alright, she innocently lowered her head not knowing that Alice was wanting for the exact moment to head butt Ishilda down to the ground.

For a knight of her rank, it came as a surprise that a small girl such as Alice was able to push her off balance. What was more shocking was the facial expression she had, staring dead centre at Ishilda, as if she wanted to rip her to shreds.

Stomping her foot firmly on the ground and approaching her like some giant, Alice screamed at the the top of lungs,



Rowen and Tallion was making their rounds in the newly built Bellwood's Headquarters. Since this was the first time Rowen had seen the final product ever since he had laid down the plans, he inspected each and every aspect of the building carefully to ensure everything was correct. Although Uncle Tally was a family friend and Rowen had chosen him, business is still business. When it involved money, relations must be place aside since it involves everyone's livelihood.

"How is it? Is it up to your expectations?" Tallion asked standing in the corner, letting Rowen to roam the master room freely.

"It's perfect, Uncle Tally. I couldn't have picked a better contractor such as yourself."

"Thanks. More importantly, I should be the one thanking you. This deal made me quite a rich man. It's the most money I made after all these years."

"Then we should celebrate. Let's meet up at my parents' house?"

"Yes, we should but probably not today. I should give you some time to catch up with your family. You're not leaving anytime soon, right?"


"Then good. We'll have a lot to talk about.
I especially want to know what happened after you left for Hevlaska."

"Rowen, there you are." A voice called out from below.

Rowen and Tallion looked down to see a young lady walking towards them. It didn't take an expert for Tallion to know that the lovely lady walking to Rowen was his intended bride, bearing a similar ring like his on her left hand. Rowen had let Ishilda ventured around freely and told her to meet up with him back at Bellwood's Headquarters.

"Come up. I'm on the second floor."

"BROTHER!!" Another voice interrupted them.

This time it belonged to young girl, running at top speed, bypassing Ishilda who was in front of her. Within a split second, Alice had made her way up to the second storey, crashing right into Rowen's arms.

"Alice!!" Rowen cried happily, carrying her up in the air. "I didn't expected to see you so soon."

"I miss you brother. How come you didn't tell me you were returning home? I waited for you at the docks but I came too late."

"Well at least we get to finally meet each other. How's mother and father? Are they here with you?"

"Nope, I'm went off alone doing some chores for mother. Father said you'll be back sometime this week so they didn't expected you to be back today."

"I see. Maybe we can surprise them later. Alice, Uncle Tally, I want to introduce you to,"

"Will you be staying for my birthday?" Alice interrupted him.

"I actually meant to surprise you during your birthday."

"So you're were supposed to be my gift?" Alice hugged her brother tightly.

"Not only that, I came back home because I got some good news to share with everyone."

"Really? Me too! Did you know,"

As an outsider looking in, it was pretty obvious to Tallion that Alice was trying to stop her brother from sharing anything. The point that she was focusing all her attention to Rowen and bluntly ignoring the lady who just entered the room meant that Alice must have some knowledge as to who this lady was. Since they had came from the same direction, they must have met halfway and exchanged words. Whatever happened then must had resulted in Alice greatly disliking the lady hence the current situation.

"And then Aunt Miranda managed to,"

"Alice, Alice, Alice!" Rowen shouted before returning a smile back at his sister. He was trying to regain Alice's attention despite being in his arms. Her conversation was going nowhere and one-sided, denying him the chance of introducing Ishilda to her.

Rowen placed her down on the ground gently before going over to Ishilda's side and intertwining his hands with hers.

"Alice, Uncle Tally. I would like to introduce to you my future wife, Ishilda Everit."

It was upon that very moment when Alice started thinking of a plan. Whether it be good or bad, only she knew.

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