She hurriedly let his hand go and little embarrassed by her act. She glad that it is the night. He can't see her blushing face. But she composed it with an annoying look on her face.

"Why my power is not affecting you at all?"

Satama was beforehand annoyed because of her absurd act. Nonetheless, he can't deny that she is the most beautiful woman He ever saw in his real life.

"I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulder.

"I wanna fight with you," she proclaimed, and challenging him.

"No,  I'm heading home and you should you as well."

"I insist," she wasn't listen to him.

"Look, I alrea.."

"Fight with me if you win whatever you say I will do," she said and forestalled him.

There was a pause.

This woman looks out of her mind. Apparently, she is too desperate to fight with me that I don't think, she would let me go until I fight with her. He thought, and he was convinced that woman is definitely insane. But he didn't mind a little entertainment with this insane beauty.

"Whatever I say?" He asked, elevating his one eyebrow.

"Yes!!" Sure, she is desperate.

"Then, what about you if you win?" He asked.

"You have to do nothing."

"Okay, but are you sure that you wanna fight with me?" He asked her reassuring that she wanna this.

"100%!" She said eagerly, not really reckoning that she would get defeated.


Both of them were in the park.
Fubuki was worn out fighting with him and taking  heavy breaths, simultaneously she tried to get away from his grip around her slim waist. Her breast was against his firm chest. She embarrassed stucking in this kind of situation, her heart beating wildly. She was certain that the man is not affected by this closeness. And, Her efforts to push him away was futile  to attempt to free from the unyielding grip of his arm.

"It's no use." He said with a smile. Clearly, he was enjoying this.

"Do you want to get out of it?" He asked.

Her angry eyes looked up at him from beneath her long eyelashes. And she realised that the man is nothing but more powerful than she can imagine. Here she losing breaths while he is as if he came to see some entertaining show. She didn't say anything.

"I am not letting you go Unless you say that I win."

She doesn't have a choice. The man was strong. She bit her lips, and said eventually.

"You win." And he let go her as losen his grip. And she took a step back.

"As you said if I win then I will ask you whatever I want," He said and smirked.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. so, tell me quickly," she was annoyed, embarrassed.

"Now, you look in a hurry. From your facial appearance, it's your first time losing a fight to someone else. I'm right ?"He said and amusing himself by her facial expressions.

"I take it as yes. as you turned into a taciturn."

"first off, you shouldn't use your power for challenging people. It shouldn't be mattered who is more powerful. You should understand that."

"Who are you lecturing me, my father?" she frowned.

"Just spit it out what do you want?"

"Okay, let me make this to you special. I should ask you to do something absurd. As you were doing out there for a while with men," He said and looking her annoyed face.

"By the way, What's your name?" He asked.

"Fubuki" she mumbled, however, he was able to catch her name.

"Kiss me" as he said she starts.


Astonishing at his words. She looks at him if it is a hoax. But she didn't find anything like that.

"Kiss me, Ms. Fubuki," he reiterated and smirked.

"No, I heard it. But, I can do  something else except this one."

He pretended to think something else. She looked at his handsome face. She can't deny that she is attracting toward him. But the defeat made her start. It's annoying her already.

"Nothing is there I can come up with and you already said it that whatever, and you can't back out of what you said before. I don't think you can," he said.

"And, it is not like that it is your first kissing a man," He said and there was a pause, but she quickly finds words to say.

"What nonsense you are talking, of course, I...i have kiss" She stumbled. Saitama smiled and delighted.

"You never kissed a man before," He stated and far fetched for him to believe it. 

Blood rushed up her face and making her white skin pink.

"What... the hell are you saying. It is not true." Of course, she knows it was true. 

She stopped talking, as Saitama took a step forward, dismissed the distance between them. And her heart punded, so did his. He pulled her chin and her emerald eyes met his. She is too shock to react. He attracted to her just like a magnet pulled a iron. Not just because of her captivating beauty.  But because of her.

"I am revered to be your first kiss." He said. She didn't replied, he closed the distance and pressed his lips against hers, and her eyes spontaneously closed.

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