"Well, I used some of the money from the jet wing stunt, but the rest of it I got from a huge government contract I just signed. I am developing a rocket system to protect the earth from rogue asteroids. Thanks to this little baby, I'm on my way back up rich man Mountain, and, whoo, the air smells better up here! Huh? Whoa. Oh, wait, there's one more thing I forgot to show you."

"Mini fridge?" Adam gasped and Davenport turned to Adam.

"There's no mini fridge." He hissed, rolling his eyes.

"But there is me!" Eddie pops on the screen, we all groan. I thought Eddie was gone for sure! "Hello, friends, and I use the term friends loosely because you're not my friends, and I hate you."

"Did you really have to bring Eddie back?" I whined.

"Yeah, I don't know that I'm okay with that." Chase agreed.

"Well, then you definitely won't be okay with this." My eyes widen as my boyfriend was dropped in one of those storage units. "Bam!"


"That jerk has been doing doughnuts in the school parking lot all morning," Bree tells us as we walked in the parking lot, close to entering school.

I narrowed my eyes at the jerk who was doing doughnuts in the parking lot. "I know. Finally, a good reason to come to school." Adam smirked.

The jerk came hurtling towards us, my eyes widening. "Guys, look out!"Chase cried out and pulled me back while the others quickly stepped back. I was now embraced in Chase's arms, which I did not mind at all.

Perry had come out of the car, taking up two parking lots. Found the Jerk we'd be starring at for ten minutes.

"What's up?" Perry nodded at us.

Leo walked towards her. "What are you doing?"

"Pushin' the envelope on this little baby's rollover specs." Perry answered and she pointed to the mini behind her.

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "How did you afford this?" I questioned her, casually, snuggling into Chase's embrace.

"Your daddy gave me my first payment for keeping your little bionic secret," Perry explained. "So naturally, I went out and bought my dream car, a barrel of pudding, and a lifetime supply of kitty litter. The fancy kind that clumps!"

"I think we have different definitions of fancy." Bree stated.

As we walked through the hallways, Perry wouldn't stop questioning us on what the bionic teens could do or does.

"Do you guys are bionic. How's that work? Can you recharge my cell phone? Do you have vacuum attachments? Can you turn into wolves?" Perry blurts out in the hallways and we all turned to her.

"Not yet, but I did put that in the suggestion box." Adam tells her and I raised an eyebrow at Adam. We have a suggestion box?

"Come on, there's gotta be more you're not telling me." Perry begged. "Spill! Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme-"

Bree leant towards us. "She's not gonna stop, is she?"

I clenched my jaw, Perry's gimme's is giving me a headache. "I swear, one more gimme and I'm going to killie,"

Chase, for securty, wrapped his arms around me, and I looked back at him. He only smiled. "I'm holding you back."

I rolled my eyes. "I got that,"

"- Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme."

Leo looked at Bree. "What do you think?"

"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme,"

"Okay, okay! We use our bionics to go on missions." Adam spills under peer pressure, all of our eyes widen.

Perry gasped, her eyes widening. At least she stopped the gimme's. "Missions? I would be so good on missions. I can see it now."

That's when the bell rings and I noticed Perry - probably petting an imaginary cat - looking off into the distance.

This is disturbing. "Please make it stop!" Leo cried out.

"So when do we go on our first mission?" Perry questioned us as we left Leo to walk to class. "Do I get nunchucks?" Bree glared at Perry, telling her to stop it, but she wouldn't listen. I want nunchucks. I want nunchucks, I want nunchucks."


"Man, I'm exhausted. Perry's been nagging me all day about going on a mission." Chase complained as we entered our house the same day, expect it was night now. "Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme."

"What's up, mission buds?" Perry had come towards us, my eyes widen.

I let out a terrified scream and held onto Chase. What is that monster doing in our house!? "What are you doing here? How did you get in our house?"

"I used the doggie door," Perry stated and I noticed the suspicious duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

I frowned. "We don't have a doggie door," Chase stated.

"You do now." Perry smiled sheepishly before holding up a saw and dropped it on the table next to her and the bag. She turned to us. "So when are we going on our mission?"

"It's not like these things just happen every day." Bree reminded her.

"That's cool. I'll wait." Perry stays standing.

I glared heavily at the women and pushed past Chase and stood in front of her. "You can't stay here."

"Au contraire, Cinderfrella." Perry sassed. "I can do whatever I want. And if that means waiting here for six months until a mission comes up, so be it." She takes the remote from the telly and turns it on. "Delete all recordings? Yes. Might as well get comfortable. You kids wanna help me with a perm?"

I gasped as she had deleted all my recording seasons of Pretty Little Liars. "Sure!" Adam agreed, smiling.

"No! This ends now." I demand.

Chase turned to me. "Well, what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can take her on a real mission."

"Then take her on a fake one." I angrily stated, annoyed now. I was pissed. "You'll blindfold her, say you're at some remote site, and just take her down to the lab."

"No. No!" Chase quickly turned down my idea. "You know Mr. Davenport's rules. No outsiders in the lab ever."

I looked over and saw that Perry was in the kitchen now. She had her glasses off and she was leaning over the sink. "Who wants to help me with my hard-to-reach spots?"

"And I'm in."


Hello guys :) sorry for being MIA hehe.

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