Chapter 1

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Words: 205

I have tried so many ways to make this happen and I have finally done it. I have created life itself, I have become a god. My name is Kenji Kanikè and I am the new god.
        I have spent years on this and finally I have made it. I have made my family come back from the dead. I have just finished it a hour ago and put them in a room to rest.
                            -hours later-
         -A girl and 2 kids walk into the room-
         "Where am I?" the woman asked while she looks away. I look at them and answer "Your home now Kaiyn (ka-I-yan)." They looked at me with a surprise. "KENJI IS THAT YOU!" They scream knowing who it is. "Kaiyn, Nicoli (Nick-o-lie) and Arin (Aaron) your home now." I say with a smile and a tear running down my face.
-A hour later-
           Nicoli, Arin and Kaiyn all are sitting with me in the living room talking about what happened. They kept asking "What happened to us?", "Where are we?" Or "When is it?". I answered as much as I could for the time being. But I don't know how much they could handle.

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