"Dumbledore thinks—"

"All due respect, but Dumbledore can suck my dick," she interrupts. "I am not being locked up like a criminal, Minnie, l won't be treated like that."

"I don't agree with him," McGonagall defends. "You're young, you deserve to go out with your friends." She chooses to ignore the way she calls her Minnie. Teasing reinforces that she really is feeling much better. Minerva can't deny that she's fond of Aurelia— she reminds her of a younger version of herself in some ways.

Aurelia sighs, focusing on finishing her piece. She puts her violin down carefully before turning back to McGonagall. "How's Harry?" she asks, expression softening as she mentions the boy.

"He's been better," McGonagall admits. "He still feels guilty about being the one to encourage Cedric to take the cup with him. Even though he's okay, he almost wasn't and it makes him feel guilty. Having you on his side would be helpful."

"Dumbledore has a plan for this summer," Aurelia says. "Part of that plan is reviving the Order of Phoenix, but the other part cannot be cutting Harry off. He needs guidance, a helping hand. I can't be that person, he needs Dumbledore."

"Play me something," McGonagall requests, lightening the atmosphere again. Aurelia rolls her eyes slightly, but picks up her violin.

"You ask me this every time," she grins. "What do you want to hear this time?"

McGonagall just smiles and lets her choose her favourite. Hearing her play is good enough.


Nico Caspian has not forgotten about his friend. He's sending her letters constantly and even sent her a bottle of Madame Rosemerta's best firewhiskey with a promise to open it in celebration of Nico's graduation. He already has a job lined up, something that he hopes will be temporary, just until Voldemort is gone for good. The apothecary in Diagon Alley needs help and Nico has always been a brilliant potion maker. His stay in England has a purpose, though. The Order of the Phoenix needs people, new blood, and Nico would follow Aurelia into the jaws of Hell without question and this is no different. She's his best friend, his partner in crime and he's fully prepared to fight alongside her if it comes to that. He knows that she'd do the same for him. He's already discreetly approached Dumbledore about joining in some capacity and he's been happy to accommodate his inquires. Now it's just finishing his NEWTs, graduating and then he can join.

For now, though, he's focusing on writing to Aurelia, making sure that Cedric is as okay as he's saying he is and finishing his final NEWT exam, Herbology. The greenhouse is the only quiet place Nico has been able to find recently, especially with Hufflepuff celebrations outstripping and outlasting any Gryffindor ones by miles. Harry has been gracious, stating over and over again that Cedric is the true winner, which has only given Hufflepuff more licence to party. Usually, Nico would be the heart of said parties, but worry for Cedric and Aurelia outweighs elation of a Hufflepuff victory.

Cedric has been joining Nico in the solitude and rest of the greenhouses, mostly to escape the attention. His girlfriend, Daisy Chang, joins them occasionally, but Cedric's 'near' death experience seems to have left a chip on the Champion's shoulder.

"Cedric, do you remember if the Venomous Tentacula eats doxies or pixies?" Nico asks, smacking away a tentacle as he perfects his revision notes. Silence follows his question and he looks up to see his friend staring at some potted Mandrakes blankly. "Cedric?"

"Huh?" he says, snapping out of his thoughts.

Nico steps back from the plant and places his notes on the table, staring expectantly at his friend. Cedric sighs and takes the seat that Nico points at.

"You don't think any less of me, do you?" Cedric asks eventually.

"Of course I don't," Nico reassures him. "Cedric, I don't know anyone who could've dealt with this as well as you have. The fact that Lia was there and managed to... you know... was a miracle, but the way you've dealt with it, the way you've taken it all in your stride— that's a testament to the kind of guy you are. And that's a guy that I'm always going to be honoured to stand beside."

Cedric lets his words sink in before sending Nico a small grin. "Thanks, mate."

"Hey, you don't need to thank me. You're Cedric motherfucking Diggory, alright? Don't forget that. Now, do you remember if Venomous Tentaculas eat doxies or pixies?"

"It's doxies," Cedric grins in reply. "Don't you remember Fred and George Weasley hijacking one of your lessons last year by releasing a cage full of the little buggars into the greenhouse? Professor Sprout apparently wouldn't stop yelling 'get out of the way of the Venomous Tentacula!'"

"No, I got bit by one and was busy sprinting to Madame Pomfrey."

"Oh, yeah," Cedric chuckles. "That was wicked. I bet you'll never forget that lesson."

And Nico revels in the fact that his friend is smiling again, even though it's at his expense. He'd let himself get bitten by doxies a million times over to keep Cedric sending that grin his way.

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