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Alianna awoke with the sun rising, her eyes bleary with sleep as she got out of her bed and hurriedly dressed with the help of her handmaiden, wearing a light blue dress with a headband on her head and quickly left her room, remembering that she'd agreed to spend the day with Bran.

As it was still quite early, she guessed her brother would still be in his room and so she headed there, smiling politely at the servants and said a few good mornings. The servants always gave their blessings to her as they all loved her and caring nature. After politely greeting everyone she passed, she arrived at her brother's chamber, and a guard stationed outside his room opened the door and attempted to announce her presence. She smiled, wondering whether her brother had already woken or was still sleeping. The latter was pretty much unlikely as she knew that her brother was an energizer bunny, always wanting to go on an adventure.

She was proven right as her brother shouted her name and barreled towards her making her almost topple over from the sheer force of which her brother came at her with.

"Woah! Calm down, little monkey," she said to her little brother, all in the midst of steadying herself and him before standing properly and offering her hand for him to hold.

Bran smiled, cheekily at her before grabbing onto her hand and started to the courtyard, dragging her with him. The servants and guards smiled at their playfulness as they watched their lady struggle ,but still trying her best to catch up with their little lord.

"Bran! Slow down!" Alianna exclaimed, laughing along the way as she tried to keep up with him.

"Never," He replied, excited that his favourite sister was spending time with him. It isn't easy with her being the oldest and him the second youngest. He knew Alianna tried her best to spend time equally among all her siblings and he loved her for it.

While they were running, Alianna swiftly glanced into her father's room to see Ser Jaime talking to her father, but it was only swift as Bran was still dragging her with him and she could only wonder about it before realizing that they'd reached the courtyard. Bran had slowed down and let go of her hand.

"You've got to slow down, Bran. I cannot keep up with you all the time," Alianna said, bending down to his height and tapping his nose playfully. He giggled and ran away from to attempt to climb on the towers near them, but she managed to grab him before he could even try to.

"Nope. You promised me a morning full of fun and adventures, but no climbing," Alianna said, sternly.

"Fine," Bran, sighed before stomping his feet." We'll go to the markets and the Godswood."

Alianna smirked in satisfaction at her younger brother."Now that sounds like a better idea."

She took a hold of his hand and they both headed to the markets to start their day.

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