As Jihyun stared at her phone, she started to entertain the idea of texting him and asking him directly if he was going.

Her fingers began typing away on the screen: "Oppa, are you going tonight?"

She stared at the message longingly and just as she was about to press on "sent", another thought occured to her that made her not want to send the message.

Jihyun thought that texting him and asking him what he's doing would suggest that she's being too persistent. If Do Kyungsoo truly was busy, she wouldn't want to bother him. But she also thought that the least he could do was to text her about anything besides pictures of food that he had eaten the night before.

She placed her phone on the coffee table and began heading directly to her bedroom to put her thoughts to sleep.


The Bar, 8PM

Jihyun wore a simple black turtleneck that matched with her long skirt. As always, she decided to keep her outfit simple because this was just a night out with friends. The only thing she added was that she wore the necklace Kyungsoo had given her.

The bar was just as she remembered it. Small but not crowded and very private. There were about two people sitting in the bar area, and two couples on seperate tables.

She notices Minji, Sohee, and Seonho were already sitting at the corner and began walking towards their direction.

Minji got up to give the young woman a warm embrace, "JIHYUN~AH! I missed you!"

Sohee and Seonho followed along and gave her a hug also.

"It's been like what? Five months?" Sohee stated as she began sipping on her cocktail.

Seonho with much excitement in his eyes said, "Oh, Jihyun, I heard you went to Japan! How is it?"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Seonho with much excitement in his eyes said, "Oh, Jihyun, I heard you went to Japan! How is it?"

Jihyun nodded, "yes~~ You'll never guess who I bumped into there!"

Her friends looked at each other and smirked, "We know!"

She was surprised at the strong response they gave, her eyebrows raised at each one of them. Saying "We know" simultaneously gave her an impression that they'd been implying something amongst themselves or behind her back.

Sudden Jihyun hears a familiar deep voice behind her that made her jump,

"Know what?"

She turned around and looked up only to see a man whose face was hidden below a hat and his black-trimmed eyeglasses. The second thing that stood out was the pleasant aroma of his cologne that smelled of the woods or the forests, oozing out masculinity. The third was of course, his usual black sweater and black sweatpants.

"Yah! Do Kyungsoo!!!"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Yah! Do Kyungsoo!!!"

Minji's voice interrupted Jihyun's long stare at the man in front of her. Seonho and Sohee got up and greeted the man who had just surprised them.

Jihyun remained in her seat, giving him an indescribable look with her eyes fixed on him and him only.

She only came back to reality when she finally took notice of her friends going back to their seats and he hwas standing there looking stupid, staring at her, waiting for her to greet him.

Jihyun got up to give him a long embrace. His strong cologne almost making her dizzy.

"You came" She finally said.

Kyungsoo held her close and placed his lips next to her ear.

"Because I heard you were going." his voice said in a hoarse whisper as his hot breath against her ear and neck pulsated her entirety.

What If.. (Kyungsoo x Nam Jihyun fic) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin