Gu Hai and Dr. Lee met up with Bai LuoYin later on. The paperwork was filled out and they set up an appointment to give semen samples for next week. They both would give samples because they were undecided who would father the first child. Bai LuoYin wanted Gu Hai to be the father. But Gu Hai was insisting that Bai LuoYin go first. Later on in life, if they chose to, the other would father the next baby.
Dr. Lee found them amusing, he chuckled as they lovingly hissed at each other.
After, they left the building, the happiest couple in the world.
In the car, Bai LuoYin was eager to tell his father the good news. They drove to his house and he informed them that there would be a new addition to the family.
Bai Han Qi and Aunt Zhou played the best performance of their lives, pretending that the news was something new, even though Gu Hai had already sworn them to secrecy. Their faces lit up with delight and they made tea to celebrate. Tong Tian was even there. They all sat around the table making small conversation about their future with the new baby. It was pleasant and it made Bai LuoYin feel very warm inside.
His cheeks flushed as Gu Hai pulled him into an embrace in front of his family.
Aunt Zhou thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. In her eyes, love was love.
Bai Han Qi smiled. This was what family was all about. The togetherness. The love.

When Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin finally made it home, they were so happy. They cooked dinner together, ate, and then went for a late night jog.
"Why didn't you want to father our first child?" Bai LuoYin asked, slowing his pace as they ran on their usual path.
Gu Hai smiled, and then stopped running. He turned to Bai LuoYin, who had stopped running also and was looking at him puzzled. Gu Hai cupped Bai LuoYin's cheeks in the palm of his hands. "Because, in your eyes, I see the world." He said ever so sweetly, "If you father our first child, I'll be able to see the universe in his."
Bai LuoYin's heart did little flips. Gu Hai's words were the most romantic he had heard in a while. He actually blushed and had to turn away. Then he looked up into Gu Hai's eyes and said, "I wanted you to be the father because every day I want to look at our son and know that he has your strong features. I want him to remind me of the man that loves me forever and for always."
Those words made Gu Hai pulled Bai LuoYin into his arms. It was the tightest hug. Every breath they took, every heart beat, promised a brighter and happier future. Loving their new child would give them blessings beyond this world. They couldn't wait for their bundle of joy to arrive.

The next day, after work, they both drove to see Gu Hai's father. He also put on the best performance of his life. Gu Hai had already told his father the news.
It was Jiang Yuan who stood frozen in place. She looked worried. She showed no happiness towards their news. She pulled Bai LuoYin aside, away from everyone else.
"Bai LuoYin," she said, almost whispering, "I don't think this is a good idea."
He frowned. "Why?"
She crossed her arms over her chest. "A child needs a mother. Two men can't nurture and grow a child. It is important that a woman be involved. There is the importance of breast feeding, how will two men do that?"
Bai LuoYin didn't know what to say. He was speechless. His heart dropped. Was this going to be impossible? Was his mother right?
Jiang Yuan frowned at him. He suddenly felt as if he were a kid again and he had done something wrong. "Don't get me wrong, the problem isn't that you have married a man. The problem is a child needs a mother. This is very important son. I think this is a mistake. You and Gu Hai simply cannot raise a child without a mother."
Her words stung. Suddenly, more questions poured into his mind. He was doubting himself. He looked over at Gu Hai, who was joyously having a drink with his father. Then he looked back at his mother's face.
What if she's right? He thought. He didn't want his child to grow up in a dysfunctional household. More over, he didn't want the child to be unhappy, with mental issues.
Tonight he would have to talk this over with Gu Hai. Their decision to have a child had to be 100% fail proof. Earlier, when they had left the doctor's office, he sat in the car mentally making a checklist of things to get. A child proof socket protector, a car seat, a steady and firm crib. Those things now paled in comparison to the welfare of the child's mind.
Bai LuoYin looked at his mother defeated. His hopes slowly melted. His dreams of completing his family now subsided.
Then, Gu Hai laughed, whole heartedly, it reached his eyes and in Bai LuoYin's mind, he saw a younger version of Gu Hai. Small hands, a small and handsome face. The image reignited the dream in his heart. He would talk to Gu Hai later on. There had to be a way to make their family complete.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now