Flowers for you

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Soobin's mind wandered to the women who rekindled his passion for poetry. His lecture about old literature doesn't seem to interest him now. His thoughts kept floating away like clouds in sky

Nothing productive came out of thinking about it but it made him find solace for a small amount of time.

He felt conflicting emotions in him which for him led to more questions than answers. The bell rang and the class was dismissed . Now soobin can think all about her minus the guilt of not paying attention to the class .

He wanted to run into her on his way home to catch a glimpse of her. He was selfish in a way and prayed to the universe to make it happen. So his heart could bask in her for that small window of time.

As the poet walked he saw her carrying heavy shopping bags. He ran to help her. Not because he wanted to take this chance but to genuinely help her or so he convinced his mind.

The girl walked with heavy shopping bags in her hand filled with groceries. She wanted to drop it and take rest but then she found a hand holding the bad and smiling brightly.

He said lemme help you and started carrying the bag. She didn't complain as she was tired. So when they reached home

Soobin dropped the bag and was about to leave but he was stopped by the woman giving her cola bottle with a brightest smile.

She introduced herself as Haneul and asked his name in return

To which soobin replied 'the name is soobin'.

Soobin couldn't contain his heartbeat and excused himself .

He came back home and opened his book and scribbled

A beauty only god's were allowed to possess

A hands as soft as rose petals

A heart laced with gold

I want to tell the world about your beauty

But a mere being like me cannot describe god's perfection .

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