Mailboy [ one shot ]

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Zoey Willow Hunter


He kicked the motor for what seemed to be the umpteenth time and cussed colorfully in three different languages, “The stupid engine is jammed.”

“You’ve got to pull the string”, I said and he scowled at me.

“Really Zorro? Don’t think I would have thought of that?”

“Oh yes of course.”

“Why do I always end up in these situations?” he muttered more to himself but it was loud enough for me to hear. I turned around sharply on my heel and squinted at the boy, “Nico B Forrest you could have saved yourself the trouble. You chose to hijack my island.”

“Again, you don’t own the place.”

I huffed and sat down on the bench. He cussed some more and I could hear him desperately punching and kicking the motor and the few whining noises it let out on impact. “Stupid. Thing. Doesn’t. Want to listen!” he said exasperatedly, “You have the worst boat ever.”

“You have the worst face ever.”

“You have the worst comebacks.”

Before I could respond to his insult however, I felt a few pelting drops on my skin and within moments the downpour became heavier and heavier. Nico groaned rather loudly and punched the motor some more, “Stupid stupid boat.”

“It’s raining”, I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

“Really? I didn’t know. Thank you for telling me.”

“My pleasure, Forrest.”

“Are you going to be a prick and sit there under the shade or make sacrifices so that we can head back home?”

“What kind of sacrifices are we talking about?”

Nico smirked, “Come here and I’ll show you.”

“I don’t like where this is going.”

“Don’t make me drag you out here.”

I crossed my arms and stood up but my head bumped with the synthetic material that was keeping me dry. He laughed at my expense while I basked in the glory of getting myself embarrassed when I needed to look intimidating. “Ha. Ha, very funny, but I’m still not getting wet for whatever scheme you’re plotting right now.”

“Suit yourself”, he said and slowly his hands clutched his shirt. In one swift movement, the sticky material was ripped off of his body. I gasped and covered my eyes almost instantly, “What the hell are you doing?”

“The shirt was wet and heavy and annoying and I need to be comfortable when I’m thinking about what to do next.”

Mailboy [ one shot ]Where stories live. Discover now