Glowing x - Chapter 2 - Introducing Danny

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Danny PoV

Tonight’s the day I’ve been dreading for weeks. Don’t get me wrong I love doing concerts, I love singing and I love my fans. But even those three things can’t take away the pain this day brings each year. But keep smiling Danny, you have to do for your fans.

I take a swig of whiskey and finish my cereal. What? I am Irish for fucks sake! What do you expect? I get up from the breakfast bar walk around my flat looking for anything that could inspire me and take my mind of things.

Ah there she is. My beautiful little lady, Cassandra my acoustic guitar, smiles up at me. Ok I know guitars but hey who knows maybe they do? You never know Cassandra could be a magical leprechaun guitar from the over side of the rainbow. Shit, how much did I drink?

Before my mind can wander back to the land of the leprechaun’s there is an abrupt knock on the door. That’s odd the buzzer didn’t go. Maybe it’s one of the lads come up to practice for tonight? I did say come around at any time didn’t I? Yeah, that’ll be it.

There’s another knock on the door. Woah calm it! I pick up Cassy and walk towards the door real slowly just to see how pissed they get. They knock again rather harder.

“Christ sake Danny! Let us in!” I hear Glen yell. “Now!” He adds before hammering the door. I walk even slower finding everything in my flat suddenly a hundred more times interesting than usual. The hammering increases and a lot of colourful language can be heard from the other side of the door describing me as every evil thing under the sun.

I sigh at their pettiness, can’t they be patient just this once? I swear my headache is as big as Asia. Dam hangovers! I reach the door and unlock it. When I swing it open I am met by two seriously pissed off faces. I laugh out loud at their facial expressions. I was right I can piss them off.

“Not. Funny. Daniel!” Mark says in a poisonous voice, “You know better than do that to us today of all fricking days Danny!” If looks could kill...

I swallow, no wonder they were pissed. The things I have put these guys at this time each year could fill a journel. That stupid prank I just pulled would normally be laughed off but on a day like this laughing wasn’t something we did.

“Jeez guys, I’m so sorry I forgot.” I said closing my eyes. You stupid, stupid person Danny! My head throbbed even more and I just want to die.

“To late now. Can you let us in please?” Mark said the usual kindness back in his voice.

I open my eyes and step aside but pounce on Glen as he walked in the door and tackled to the ground. Don’t worry Cassie was well out of the way. You can’t mix a lady up in a fight. As we had our little fight, which the record I won, Mark walked in and placed some beer and food in my empty fridge. The guys always look out for me and in turn I write them amazing lyrics (If I do say so myself). Don’t me wrong I’m there for them too. Those guys are like brothers to me.

After me and Glen have got up off of the floor we go and sit at the breakfast bar with Mark. He has got three beers sitting on the counter and a bowl of peanuts. He knows us to well. I take a big swig of beer and a handful of peanuts.

Ever so quietly I start to hum and strum away at Cassandra tenderly. Then I get louder and the guys join and before we even know it we’re belting out ‘For the First Time’. When we’re finished we move on to another of our many songs.

When we’re having a break so Glen can go to the loo, to get rid of some of the beer one would guess, it’s just me and Mark sitting in blissful silence.

“Dan...” He starts softly, “Are you gonna be ok?”

I take a deep breath knowing exactly what he’s getting at. Why can’t he just say it?

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