Chapter two

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"Casey, sweetie, it's time to wake up" my dad entered the room and gently woke me up. I didn't sleep until about one o'clock in the morning and it was 7:00am currently so let's just say 'feeling refreshed' wasn't exactly in my current vocabulary.

"Ok" I yawned, stretching my arms back.

Once my dad had left I set an alarm for 7:15 and slept for another fifteen minutes, lets be real, I was not getting up now.

After the shortest fifteen minutes of my life, I hauled myself out of bed and sat at my desk, opening the drawer and pulling out my moisturiser. As I began applying it, my gaze moved slightly off and I ended up looking out of my window. I saw him crawling out of bed, his hair messy (but in a kind of good way) and all he was wearing was the same pair of sweats as last night.

It felt wrong to stare but somehow I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from him.

I stood up and began putting on my clothes, trying to distract myself away from him. Once I was changed I sat back down at my desk and put on my makeup, although I didn't wear too much to school, but I refused to leave the house without false lashes on... sue me.

I walked down the stairs to find my mom and dad already sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, I fixed myself a bowl of cereal then joined them shortly after.

"Hiya, sweetie. You look lovely, sweetie, you'll have all the boys, sweetie" my mom spoke.

"Hiya mom how are you feeling today?" I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Much better, sweetie" she nodded.

"That's great, mom" I smiled.

I took the seat opposite my mom as my dad sat at the end of the table, we had a relaxed breakfast that lasted around thirty minutes then it was time for me to go to school... Yay.

"C'mon sunshine, I'll give you a ride" my dad picked up his car keys from the bowl at the front door. He called me sunshine because of "all the sun I'm constantly wearing" I mean, I guess I can hold a tan pretty well.

"Nah it's fine, Heather's giving me a ride" I kissed him on the cheek after grabbing my bag. 

"Goodbye mommy" I gave her a hug from began placing another kiss on her cheek.

"Oh goodbye sweetie, go see some boys" she nodded.

I walked out to wait for Heather on the lawn but she wasn't there yet but, much to my happiness, my neighbour was. He was getting to a car but I noticed he was getting into the passenger's seat. I glanced over to the drivers seat and saw... him? Well it was him but, not him... Omg. There's two of them.

I watched as the, no doubt, identical twin exited the car, saying he'd forgotten something to Ethan.

Ethan's PoV

I know I shouldn't be, but I was looking at her as she waited on her lawn, presumably waiting on someone to pick her up. She was wearing red, just like last night when I saw her through the window, as creepy as that sounds. I wanted to talk to her, but she's probably not even noticed we've moved in, our windows face directly onto each other, but still she's probably too busy making out with her jacked, football player boyfriend to see me.

I tried to think of a way to see her, not just watch her on her lawn or through the window like a creep, but actually interact with her, get to know her... Just then, the perfect idea came to my mind.

"Grayson!" I called him over as he locked the house.

"What bro?" He replied, approaching the car.

"I wanna have a house warming party"

Casey's PoV

Ahh so the cutie does have a name, "Grayson" to be exact. I liked it. Ethan too. Damn they were cute. But more importantly, I hoped I was invited to this 'house warming party'.

Heathers porshe pulled up in front of my house, breaking me away from my thoughts. 

"Hey, Casey" she smiled.

"Hi, Heather" I smiled back.

Ethan's PoV

So it's Casey, that's her name.

Casey's PoV

The ride to school was pretty quiet, well on my behalf, the whole journey consisted of Heather lecturing me the 'do's and don'ts' of this school.

"So yeah that's how you become popular at this school" Heather shrugged as she finished. I was glad she'd finally stopped to catch a breath after talking for so long and stopping so little, I thought she was going to pass out.

"So if you get invited to a party you...?" Heather quizzed me. I rolled my eyes in response, this was stupid, I wish you could just be yourselves at school, it would only make life easier.

"Casey, I'm serious! Do you want to be someone at this hell hole if a high school?" She stressed to me. What she was saying almost made me burst out laughing by how truly pathetic it sounded, but she was right, I'd rather be on top like this than getting slushes to the face and barged into lockers.

"Yes, I do" I leant my elbow against the door of her convertible.

"So, answer my question. If you get invited to a party you...?" She repeated herself.

"You go, but never without a date, unless you're meeting someone there that you can pull in twenty minutes or less" I regurgitated what she said halfheartedly.

"And if you weren't invited?" She pressed on.

"You go anyway" I sighed.

"With??" She gripped harder on the steering wheel.

"A bottle of vodka as you're date, you bring alcohol and you were practically top of the guest list" I smiled sarcastically as I quoted her word for word.

"Yay! You're gonna be fine, now remember, since I'm in the year above, and I'm popular, your gonna wanna come find me at lunch, until you sit with your own year that is. I'll introduce you too some people and you'll be good to go" she smiled proudly as if she was setting her little bird up to fly the nest.

This was gonna be one long day.

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