"Oh, and if you're hungry, just ask Ophelia. She will serve you the food." Luna mentioned, gesturing to a stewardess nearby.

"We will. When are the Weasleys coming?" Cris asked.

"In 5 minutes." Luna smiled and shut the door.

After she left, Cel groaned.

"Ugh. I love Rose with all my heart, but Lord knows that she will talk my ear off to oblivion." she grumbled.

"Eh, I'm okay. Hugo follows my every order." Cris said smugly.

"Oh please, he just wants the girls in our year to notice him by hanging out with you." Carlton rolled his eyes.

Cel laughed, looking at her brothers.

"Really? Ha. Well, I don't think Cris is going to be staying a ladies' man for long." Cel said.

Cris, who was scrolling through his phone, looked up immediately. "What? Yes I will."

Cel scoffed and gave her twin the 'Are you serious?' look

"No you won't. I've seen the way you look at Dominique Weasley." Cel crossed her arms.

"What? No. Of course not. I don't like her. She's older than me anyway, it's not like she's going to date someone a year younger than her."

Cris shrugged, looking for the dumbest reasons.

"Oh please. That is one of the dumbest reasons ever. I mean, Dad's older than Mum. Doesn't mean anything. Just admit you like her." Cel shrugged.


"You like my cousin?" A voice chirped.

The Zabinis turned around to see a grinning Rose Weasley, her eyebrows raised up and waiting for an answer.

"Rose, move!" Hugo said, bumping into his sister.

"We have an emergency here, Hugo! Cristopher Zabini, half of the playboy duo, likes Dominique Weasley!" Rose said, staying very still.

"I don't like Dom that way." Cris mumbled.

"Oh, so it's Dom now?" Carlton mocked.

"Shut it, Carlton." Cris said, holding his phone out.

Rose ran and snatched his phone from his hands.

"Is that her Instagram accou- why are- OH MY GOD!" Rose gasped, scrolling through his phone.

"Oi! Rose, I swear to Merlin, give it back!" Cris said.

"You slid into her DMs- hey!" Rose whined as Cel snatched Cris' phone from her.

"And you stalked her!" Cel added, grabbing his phone and scrolling through it herself.

Cris groaned and took his phone away from his sister, "That's private."

"What'd she say?" Cel asks.

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