Harry simply rolled his eyes at his father's dig at his brother, but it seemed to distract him at least for a bit.

The three Starks were nervously seated in their living room, when half an hour later the doorbell rang and the maid let a middle aged woman in a slightly oldfashioned dress inside.

They all got up in unison, remembering their manners.

The blonde woman smiled at them, "Hello, my name is Esme Eisberg. I am a professor at Ilvermorny. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

"Thank you for coming." , Maria smiled back, her hand protectively resting on Harry's shoulder.

"You were probably the hardest family to reach that I have ever met.", she laughed, "But I expected that when I read young Harry's name on my list."

Howard felt Harry stiffen next to him. He didn't like being called 'young' anything, Howard knew that all too well.

"Maybe we can sit down and you tell us what exactly you plan on doing for Harry's future.", Howard told her impatiently, the smile vanished off her face. Maria made a hissing noise through her teeth. He knew that all too well, too. It meant he was being rude.

"Very well.", Professor Eisberg told them and took a seat. The Starks all sat down again as well.

"You have probably already noticed that young Harry here is different from other boys his age.", she started and Howard was THIS close to interrupting and telling her, not to call Harry that. He was quite fond of his electronic gadgets, "And there is a reason for it."

"Magic.", Howard cut her elaborate speech short. Maria groaned in frustration, but Howard REALLY didn't have the patience to sit through sweeping, dramatic retellings.

"Yes, he is a wizard", Professor Eisberg told them, looking unsure how to proceed. "That does explain his habit of blowing up things. Summoning things... oh yes, and being impossible to keep track off."

"Harry was very good at hiding as a toddler.", Maria agreed eagerly.

"Well, that sounds promising.", Professor Eisberg smiled, "Do you have any questions for now, Harry?"


Howard smiled at Harry's tone. That boy knew how to hold a grudge.

"Oh... okay. There are several magical schools all over the world..."

"Does one of them happen to be in Scotland?", Howard asked, thinking about what little information he had been able to unearth about Lily and her husband.

"Oh. Yes. There is... how did you...?"

"What's it called?"

"Howard!", Maria hissed.

"Ahm. Hogwarts. It's one of the oldest and best schools in the world.", she answered dutifully, "I was under the impression that young Harry here came from a non-magical family. How do you know all this?"

"I am Howard Stark", he told her earnestly.

"Howard!", Maria groaned, but it had the desired effect on Harry, who laughed wholeheartedly, turning his head to grin at his father. When he turned back to look at Professor Eisberg, she gasped in shock, her eyes wide open.

"What?!", Maria asked.

"Harry... might I see that scar on your forehead?"


"It's really important."


"What is important about Harry's scar?", Howard asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

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