Red Lies

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However, stealing a heart has its consequences...                                            It's better for someone to give you their heart,                                            because once you've stolen enough hearts you lose yours.                          And its surprising.

 Because it feels like you were given hearts when they are stolen, 

and you don't necessarily know they were stolen until after.

 And it seems so wrong to lose your heart after stealing a heart,

 but you do. If you manipulate enough people to fall in love with you. 

You can't fall in love anymore. You just can't. It's the saddest thing...

In my opinion stealing a heart is acquiring it the wrong way.                 Through lies and deception, you make someone fall in love with you.       You break them, and they don't know they're broken.                               You make them think they are falling in love with something real.              But they're not. You stole their precious heart. 

They say they love you. But what do they love? 

And who are you to them? 

You exaggerate a bit, it could turn into a full fledged lie. 

And they don't know who the fuck they're talking to after a while. 

Like...He assumed my hair was red because it looked red. I dyed it red. He said he liked gingers. Lol. I didn't know how to tell him. I'm not a ginger. Could I have gotten him to give me his heart properly, if I corrected him? was just a misunderstanding. I could have said I dyed my hair... But it was one lie after another, and I didn't get his heart properly.  So I stole it.

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