"You didn't mean to?"

"No I umm didn't want to seem rude."

"It's alright. That actually makes sense if you are the right person."

"For what?" I ask

"I need your help. Come on you need to meet one more person." He says walking back towards the way he came I slowly followed him Cas behind me.

I looked around my heart racing. Once we rounded the corner we walked in another large room but it wasn't empty.

Towards the middle was a wooden table with jars and bowls full of different things. At the end bent over a book was a well dressed red haired woman.

At the sound of our feet she looked up at us.

I was not surprised to see Rowena.

"About bloody time you get back. He has been driving me crazy. It's bloody hard to think with him screaming like a madman." She says standing up.

"Sorry but I was trying to keep the only person who can help us from running out screaming."

"Is this her?" She asks looking me up and down.

"Doesn't look like much."

"It doesn't matter what she looks like as long as she can help Dean."

"What's wrong with Dean?" I say quickly blushing realizing what I did.

"Well seems like she cares for him. Maybe this will work." She says returning to her book.

"What is going on?" I ask trying to wrap my head around this halfway trying to convince myself it was all a dream.

Sam took a breath leaning on the table.

"Dean is under some curse. The only way to brake it is for someone to accept him and every mistake he has done."

"So why am I here? I mean you're his brother that should be you right?"

"I don't think so every time I try he gets worse."

"Worse? What is he sick?" I ask ignoring the way my heart ached at the thought.

"You could say that dearie. More like he is a raging mindless beast."

"He's not mindless!" Sam says smacking the table making me jump.

"Have you been in to see him today?"

Sam didn't get to respond before a loud scream carried over from a different room.

Quickly leaving the room we all follow him to a hall full of cells. Inside the first one is Dean or what use to be Dean.

He was pacing back and forth glaring.

When he realized we were standing there he lunged at the bars screaming. His face and any visual skin looked gray and rotten. But also had a scaly appearance as well. It pealing on his arms.

Reaching his arms out he yelled his eyes darting between the four of us. His nails long and black no doubt sharp enough to do some damage.

"Why is he like this?"

"We don't know." Sam says sounding hollow.

Looking at him I was right. He looked defected. I could understand why. This was his big brother someone he always looked up to and he was acting like he wanted to tear Sam's throat out.

"Alright Missy get to work." Rowena says pushing me towards the cell.

Instead of hitting the bars I found myself inside of the cell itself.

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