three • the window

Comenzar desde el principio

"Morning Miles." She said with a smile, turning back around.

"Morning Liv. You're up early."

She laughed and put the palette back in the drawer where her other palettes laid. She got up and pushed the chair up so it wasn't in the way. "Yeah I decided to make myself look decent for once. Wish I didn't have to wear a uniform so I could actually were a nice outfit."

Everyone at Visions hated the uniforms but occasionally they'd have a day where they could wear normal clothes as long as it was within dress code. They lived for those days. "You look decent all the time though?" Miles said.

Olivia was brushing her hair in front of the mirror hanging on the wall so it covered her faint blush. "Thanks Miles. Wanna grab some breakfast?"

"Yeah I'm down. Let me change real quick."

"You can change in here I'm about to go meet up with Gwen and Camila. I'll meet you in the cafeteria."

Camila was a good friend of Olivia's and was supposed to be her original roommate. They had a few classes together, hanging outside of school whenever they could. They were like Miles and Ganke were.

"Alright sounds good. If you see Ganke tell him I'll be there in a few minutes."

School started at seven forty-five every morning and Miles usually got to the cafeteria with about fifteen minutes to eat. The school lunch was actually pretty good with breakfast being the majority of everyone's favorite. This morning there were waffles, sausage, hash browns, and the choice of juice or milk. It was a pretty good amount that usually filled you up unless you were really hungry. Miles wasn't too crazy about the waffles so just got some hash browns and sausage links with a carton of orange juice. He found his usual group of friends and took a seat between Ganke and Isaac.

"Wow you're not late this morning." Isaac said after nudging Miles.

"Says the one that can never make it to seventh period on time."

Olivia laughed from a few seats down. She was sitting with Gwen and Camila like usual. "He's right Isaac you have more tardies than anyone."

"It's not my fault it starts a few minutes after break! I get distracted!"

"By what?"

"Food, duh."

Once it was time to go to first period Miles walked with Ganke while everyone else lingered for a little longer. They stopped at Ganke's locker while other students brushed by them to go upstairs or to get to their own locker. "You ready for homecoming?" Ganke asked.

"I guess." Miles shrugged. "You?"

"Totally. If our grade wins the tug of war before the game we get to skip a period of our choice! How cool is that? I mean it's better than nothing."

"You really think we'd win?"

"Have you seen some of the dudes in our grade? We have to win."

"The seniors outnumber us though. By a lot."

They continued their conversation into first period. Homecoming would start in two weeks from then which meant soon the school would be filled with themed dress days, the football game, and more. Homecoming time was the only time during the entire school year where Visions Academy acted like a normal public high school. The rest of the school year went on like it usually did with stupidly hard tests and kids trying to maintain a high GPA. It was stressful beyond belief but that's what you signed up for when you tried to get into Visions Academy. It was meant for students that could handle the stress of hard classes and loads of homework.

By the time the bell sounded at the end of the day and kids were either hanging around in the hallway or walking across the walkway to get to the dorms. Ganke was walking with Miles out of the school to go run some errands for his mom.

"Why am I coming with you again?"

"Because I bribed you with food."

"Oh yeah. Where's my food at?"

Ganke laughed. "You haven't told me where you wanted to eat."

"Pizza obviously."

"Should've known."

"Yeah you should've. Kinda disappointed."

They walked around Brooklyn for about an hour before they grabbed some food. They sat in the same booth they were in the last time they were here without even meaning to.

"Have you watched the news recently?" Ganke asked. He put his straw in his glass of water and took a few sips.

"No, why?"

"Spider-Man was fighting some weird version of well.. Spider-Man. He looked like his skin was melting off. Who is he?"

Miles wasn't expecting a Spider-Man question. He stared at his hands that were laying on the table. "Probably some guy trying to be the villain version of Spider-Man. Whoever he is he's not doing a whole lot."

"Right? For a bad guy I thought he'd be doing more to cause trouble. When Spider-Man got thrown against that cop car I swear my heart dropped."

Miles didn't know someone was filming that. He wondered who it could be since there wasn't any news reporters there yet. If they were they were told to stay back. "Oh really? Why?"

"Because if something happens to Spider-Man..." Ganke sounded genuinely upset.

Miles kicked Ganke's foot from underneath the table. "Cmon now. Something happening to Spider-Man? I highly doubt that. He can take a few hits."

"He better! We need him!"

It warmed Miles' heart that someone deeply cared about Spider-Man and that it just so happened to be his best friend. He hoped Spider-Man would leave a positive impact on the people of Brooklyn and it looked like he was already achieving that.

Which made someone out there angry.

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