Finishing up the date

Start from the beginning

Felicia softy laughs at his expression and how he couldn't say anything. "I will take that as a sign of approval. Why don't you go to the front to get some fresh air so I can pay for this and then we can go get you some things." Felicia commands him before kissing his cheek to pay for her stuff.

Peter nods his head and walks out of the store and takes deep breaths, still not over the significant shock he just went through. When Felicia is through, she escorts Peter to their next destination to get him some fresh new clothes. Once at the other store, Felicia went and picked out some new outfits for him. After a while, Peter remembers that the two are scheduled to go to the movies after shopping and knew right then that he couldn't afford to buy all the outfits. Felicia senses this suggests that while she pays for his clothes, Peter can pay for the movie tickets. Peter, at first, quickly shoots the offer down, not wanting her to pay for his expenses when he currently couldn't do the same for her. That's when Felicia lets him know that she has a rich background, and only a select few know about it. She tells him that because he is her boyfriend and knows that Peter is not like any other guy, she doesn't mind paying for stuff and wants him to accept that. Reluctantly, Peter goes along with her paying for his new outfits, which he admits looks excellent on him.

*In the movies*

Once the shopping part of the date is complete, Peter buys two tickets to see a movie call Knight and day (a pretty decent film with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz). Seeing that the theatre had no one inside since the movie was out for a while, the couple makes their way to the highest row and takes their seats with Peter placing his arm around Felicia, allowing her to purr getting comfortable.

As the movie starts, Peter softly asks, "Say, Felicia, what made you choose this film?" He hadn't heard much about the film since he has been too busy in his hero life to enjoy his regular life.

Felicia looks up into his eyes with an evil smile on her face. "To be honest babe, I already had seen this movie, though it was okay when I first saw it."

Peter looks back at her raising an eyebrow. "Wait, if you have already seen this movie, why would you want to see it again?"

"Because you haven't seen it, which means we can have some fun while watching the movie," Felicia answers him. Peter couldn't get another word out, for Felicia's next course of action catches him off guard. She slides her hand down to his leg and begins to gently rub near his crotch area while at the same time kissing his neck.

Peter nearly collapsed in his chair when Felicia kisses that sensitive part of his neck, and his pants became uncomfortable from Felicia rubbing almost between his legs. "...So this movie is not bad." Peter claims to try to get Felicia's attention back from the movie as well as moving a little away from her, but this only may Felicia more aggressive.

"Not better than the movie we can make right now," Felicia whispers. She switches from kissing to sucking his neck hard to where it took all that Peter had not to moan out loud. Before things went too far, Peter's spider-sense goes off, making him alert and getting Felicia off of him only to see one of the movie workers appear to see if nothing crazy was happening. Luckily for Peter and Felicia, the guy didn't understand what happen and, most importantly, a good thing for Peter; the workers' appearance killed the mood Felicia was in and thus went back to enjoy the movie.

With the movie now over, being an hour and fifty mins, the couple left the mall feeling pretty good about their first date. Now that they are standing in the parking lot with not a lot of people around them, Felicia turns towards Peter saying, "Well Mr. Parker, despite the fact you almost split up with me, you sure know how to show a lady a good time."

Peter looks back at her with a shy smile. "Good thing that I have an intelligent woman to convince me not to do so. I would say our first date was a complete success, even though you had your fun at the movies." He sends a playful glare at her.

Felicia smiles like a schoolgirl trying to get out of trouble. "I can't help it, I made be on the side of good, but I still am a bad girl... Your bad girl." She gets closer to him and places both hands on his chest.

Peter scratches the back of his head with a slight blush appearing on his face. "Yeah, sorry if I acted all weird on you. I just not used to date a girl like you who's pretty forward like you are, not that I think it's a terrible thing." He confesses.

Felicia understood perfectly what he meant, which is why he is lucky to have a girlfriend like her to show him how to bring that non-shy side out. She soon grabs both Peter's hands to put them on her waist and then wraps her arms around his neck. "I guess that's another thing we will work on. I'll help you if you help me." She offers while looking into his eyes like earlier.

Peter looks back in hers, losing himself in those beautiful green eyes. "I would like that." He softly answers as the two leans in and kiss each other with passion. During the kiss, the spider side of his mind takes over as allowing Peter to slide his hands on Felicia's butt, making her giggle and excited that he did that, as the two continue to kiss. When they finally separated their lips, with their foreheads still touching, Peter is the first to speak. "I guess I better head home."

Felicia sadly agrees but remembers that this won't be their only time together. "Same here, but thank you again for today, and I look forward to future dates."

"Not as much as me." Peter jokes, before giving a soft kiss on her lips. Afterward, they pull away and begin to head their separate ways with Felicia saying "See ya lover." in the tone she knew her man loves while Peter said his goodbye as well. "Bye precious." Watching her hips sway as Felicia leaves the area, Peter heads home with today's date on his mind as well as, "I'm so going to need that long cold shower when I get in."


Author's note: So the main point of the chapter is to show off Felicia's flirty side and how Peter reacts to it as a seventeen-year-old who is not used to this type of attention and is still a virgin. Of course, this wouldn't be a Spidey/Black Cat story if we didn't have these types of moments of Felicia slowly coming on to Peter. Now, of course, with age difference, Felicia has more intimate experienced than Peter does, heck last I check on the show all Peter got was mostly a kiss and hugs. In the upcoming chapters, Peter will learn more about the flirty side of Felicia and how she came to be like that, and not to mention how Peter will respond to knowing the full facts about her. I will do my best to keep this T rated, but if it starts feeling more M rated, then let me know, and I will up the rating. Also, do you think the Spider side is a good nickname for Peter's assertive side?

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