ENTRIES: Werewolf

105 7 3

JUDGE: writeordie0214
PAYMENT: A follow if you can.

To the participants,
kindly complete the payment asked by the judge, if you haven't already, they'll be giving a lot of effort reading your books and choosing the winners, it's the least we all could do for them.

To the judge, 
here are the entries you have to judge, take a look at it and kindly tell me an estimated time of how much it'll take to complete these. i believe you already know how to judge, if not check the 'HOW TO JUDGE' chapter. 

P.S: the submissions are really low so kindly decide the ranking among them since I don't wish to disappoint the ones who participated due to low amount of entries.

1. My Alpha Mate by Aleesha2002

2. The Supernatural Game by Black_panther31

3. Shattered by Em-OFier

4. Beloved Blooded by JorynDove

I am working on the participant prizes, you'll receive them soon.

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