His car is there, a large dent in the passenger side door along with smashed windows and a missing headlight - some night call it a minor accident but he doesn't give a shit about that. He needs to find Rebecca.

Finally, he spots her, hovering by a phone box -the one she obviously used to ring him. She's wrapped in one of those foil blankets that he's seen on the tv.

Why the fuck isn't she with the paramedics?

He heads toward her and his wife looks up, eyes welling with tears once more as she makes eye contact.

Roger lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding and picks up his pace to get to her, hastily apologising when he knocks shoulders with an innocent bystander.

"Roger," she chokes, stepping forward to meet him and his hands immediately cradle her face, gently tipping it upwards so he can check for any injuries and to his relief, she's unscathed except a from a gash on her forehead which is probably from the broken window.

"You alright?" he whispers, one hand instinctively going to her stomach and she wordlessly wraps her arms around his neck, hiding her face in his jacket.

Roger presses his lips to her hair, arms tightening around her when he hears her cry. She's okay. She's in his arms, safe. They both are.

"'m sorry," she sobs, "Rog, the car-"

He pulls back, placing his hand on her cheek, "Will you shut up about the fucking car?"


"But nothing," he whispers, "You've somehow got it into your head that I care about that car more than you."

She looks at the ground, "It's an expensive car."

He shakes his head, placing his fingers under her chin to make her look at him, "That can be replaced. You, my love, cannot." She nods as he wraps his arms around her again, kissing her forehead once more.

"Are you the husband?"

Roger turns at the sound of a woman's voice, seeing a paramedic standing watching him.


"Good. She refused to go to the hospital without you here."

He looks down at Rebecca but she averts her gaze once more and pulls the foil blanket tighter around her.

"We can go now. We've given her the once over, she's fine - mostly in shock. There's no sign of concussion but that cut needs looked at and we'll get the baby checked out too. Just to be safe."

"Of course. Thank you." Roger nods, waiting till the woman is out of earshot before looking down at his wife, "You didn't go?"

"I was scared," she whispered.

"C'mere," he sighs, tugging her into his side.

He walks her back to the ambulance, which she hesitantly climbs onto, gripping his hand tightly.

She was fine.


They get home a few hours later thanks to John, who followed them to the hospital and waited for them in the waiting room. 

Honestly, Rebecca didn't know what they'd do without him sometimes. 

She's fine, completely fine. Just like the paramedic said, she was more shaken up about anything. 

The baby is also fine, much to her relief. She would never have forgiven herself if, because she didn't go to the hospital straight away, something had happened to little Sprout. 

They would have been home earlier if getting her statement hadn't taken so long. The police had tried to interview her straight away but Roger told them, without actually saying the words, to fuck off and wait until she'd been given the all-clear. 

According to the many people who had witnessed the crash, Rebecca was completely in the right; the guy who was in the other car hadn't even stopped at the junction, pulled straight out without any regards for anyone's safety - the police say that they suspected that he had been drinking. 

When they get in, having heard her tell Deaky that she was just a bit sore, he runs her a bath, throwing in some bubbles and lighting a couple of her favourite candles and once's she's situated in the hot water, he sits down on the floor by the bath. He kind of just wants to be close to her. 

His anger has been simmering since they left the hospital, since the police told them that there was a chance it was a drunk driver. She could have been killed. Both Rebecca and their child could have been killed. 

He holds Rebecca a little tighter that night. 


i thought that things were just going a little too well for them

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