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*14 years later*

Katsuki Bakugo was pissed.

This, in and of itself, was not an uncommon occurrence. His classmates had long since gotten used to the explosive teen's abrasive personality, and was always a running joke among them. No, he was pissed, but he didn't know the reason why. It was this fact that irked him, and caused him stress to no end.

It could be that the piece-of-shit mist villain in front of his face had something to do with it.

"I'm sorry about this, heroes and trainees, but I cannot let you get past this point."

He immediately started to unconsciously spark. "Oi, oi, oi, you fuckmunch of an idiot, you really fucking think that your piece-of-shit quirk can do something against me, you fucking extra!? I'd rather just tear you another one and shove the old one down your fucking throat!!"

He lunged at the villain with the manly fucking extra, but was immediately warped to another area, where he fucking destroyed a stone, but he did not notice anything else until-

"Katsuki Bakugo?" He immediately spun around and saw some fucking, assumingly villain, with a whole bunch of fucking scars seemingly stapled to his fucking face. "So it is you."

"EH!? How do you know my name, fucker!? And who in the all-shitting fuck-"

"Izuku Midoriya." Immediately, the explosive teen put his hands down and crouched. "What do you know about him?" The boy's voice had a noticeable shake to it.

"He's among the people here, as a spy. He told me to notify to you, that after this, he's turning himself in."

Bakugo.exe has overloaded.

Execute code in file ([y/n]...y

(A/N Try to crack the code in the file!)

"The fuck?"

A few seconds later...

"What do you mean that fucking Deku's turning himself in? He's missing for fourteen years, and suddenly-"

"He is also known as the vigilante, Lucky Straight."

Lucky Straight was a vigilante that has gained renown as one who defends those who the heroes ignore or cannot get to in time. Contrary to popular belief, he had the appearance of one of those cliche illegal detectives, in all black, and used blades to slash his enemies. His kill count was constantly rising, and nobody knew his name or appearance, just that his name had something to do with his quirk. It was also known that he ran an untraceable detective site, for a price, of course.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Look, I know you want answers, and Midoriya has promised to explain everything after this is over."


"For now, because your classmate is coming, defeat me."

A sinister grin popped up on the hero-to-be's face. "With pleasure, fucker."


Aizawa, on the other hand, was quite surprised at the turn of events. He was fighting the countless thugs and small-time villains, until suddenly, the one in front of him had a sword through his chest. He fell over, revealing the familiar costume of that vigilante, Lucky Straight. Aizawa stared in shock for what felt like hours, until-

"Behind you." Aizawa immediately ducked as a villain tried to swing at his head, and as he was going for another blow, he got a knife to the forehead. Aizawa immediately started fighting again, alongside the vigilante.

"Never thought the day would come when I fight next to you, eh, Eraser Head," Lucky Straight said while severing a random villain's tendon. "But here we are, so let's make the most of it."

"Don't think this makes us all buddy-buddy, vigilante. I'm still gonna try to bring you in." Though he could not see the vigilante's face, Eraserhead knew that there was a smirk under that mask. "Don't worry, after all this is over, I'm turning myself in."

"Well, I guess there is a silver lining to ever-" "However," he said with a demonic tone of voice, "if any harm whatsoever comes to my adopted daughter, I will castrate you and shove it down your throat."

"You have a daughter?"

A random grape bitch immediately started covering his crotch for no particular reason.


The horde was dying down, as more and more were defeated, and their leader, Shigaraki Tomura, was livid. The plan was not working, all because of that cheating vigilante, who he actually believed would work with the League of Villains.

The neck-scratching bluenette was very angry, as Kurogiri could see. He was always rather unstable, but he was rarely this bad.

"Kurogiri, send in the nomu."

"Are you sure, Tomura? All Might isn't here yet."

"Do it."

Kurogiri proceeded to open a portal back to base, in which climbed out a black humanoid creature, but that was where the similarities end. It was buff, almost as buff as All Might, and had black skin. It had a bird-like mouth and an exposed brain.

Immediately, Lucky Straight defeated the villain that he was fighting and looked around. Nodding to Eraser Head, he charged the creature, blades flashing. He went for the first strike, at the Achilles' tendon, and that's where it all went wrong.


Aizawa was in a bad situation. He was pinned under the nomu, the vigilante bleeding out next to him. His elbow was shot, and the blue-haired villain was making some arbitrary speech about...something. Aizawa was trying to catch his breath, when-

SMASH! His face was smashed into the ground. "Hey, you're not listening are you? Well, no worries, I know exactly how to make you listen." He immediately charged two of the onlooking students, Mineta and Asui. A few things happened all at once.

Aizawa raised his head and activated his quirk.

A knife was thrown into the back of the villain's hand.

The portal villain, Kurogiri, teleported Shigaraki's hand to his face.

The doors burst open along with the familiar "I AM HERE!"

That Which Cannot be Contained (Vigilante! Deku)Where stories live. Discover now