"no" I giggle "to be honest your turning me one right now" I add

"how am I turning you on?" he ask

"I don't know, just the way your looking at me, the way your holding my arms, the way your kinda sexually taking control, I don't know if it's sexual but it seems that way" I admit

"you like when I do this?" he smiles

"I do" I say
He leans lower and kisses me, while we're doing that he snatches whatever it was in my hand "hey!" I say "I really wanted to see what it was" I add

"do you really really want to see what it is?" he giggles

I gently nod and he hands me the little packet. I open my hand and it's just a few condom packets "oh" is all I say

He giggles "see I told you they were nothing" he says

"why'd you have them in your pocket?" I ask

"just for when a time comes around" he says

"who we're you gonna use these on?" I ask

"you of course, why are you asking that question?" he ask

"I don't know, just wondering" I say

"you are the only girl that I've ever been 'active' with and I'm pretty sure there won't ever be anyone else" he says "even if we ever broke up I still wouldn't do anything with anyone until I forgot about you completely but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever forget who you are" he says

I smile "hopefully we wouldn't ever break up though" I say

"yea hopefully. Maybe we can be forever someday soon" he says and gets nervous again

"why are you getting nervous Johnnie?" I ask

"I'm not" he lies

Johnnie is still on top of me and I'm still holding the little packets. "maybe we could use these now?" I ask with a smile, I hold them up for Johnnie to grab

"that will be awesome" he smiles and grabs them, he pulls the blanket on top of us

*Bryan's POV*

Me, Angelina and Liam are in the car and we just pull up in the drive way. We all get out of the car, Angelina is holding Liam in hers arms, I open the front door. "wait" I whisper.

"what?" Angelina ask

"smells like sex in here" I whisper in Angelina's ear so the sleeping Liam wouldn't hear

Angelina giggles "just wait" I say

I turn around and walk more into the living room, and of course as thought, Johnnie and Dylan are having sex on the couch, at least they have a blanket key cover both of them while they do the dirty

"wow so Johnnie really isn't a virgin" I joke

"go away and well go upstairs!" Dylan says

I laugh and walk outside with Angelina. We wait about a minute so they can get upstairs

*Dylan's POV*

"oh my god, let's go upstairs" Johnnie says

Me and him grab our clothes and hurry upstairs. I lock the door behind us. We pull on our clothes as we talk

"let's hope Bryan didn't see anything" I say

"yea let's hope" Johnnie says

We finish getting ready "I'm to embarrassed to face anyone" I sit on the edge of the bed, he sits next to me

"even me?" he ask

"kinda, it's just really embarrassing that Bryan saw us" I look at the floor

"I'm sure Bryan won't make fun of you. He will make fun of me" Johnnie says

"do you like when he does that?" I ask

"we'll I mean it's just in a joking way, I dont mind that he does that cause were friends and I do it back to him" he says

"I don't want him to make fun of you though" I say

He giggles "I promise it's fine really" he makes me look at him

"but still" I say

"it's okay" he says again
Johnnie is just so unbelievable cute, I just never seen someone acute as Johnnie before "what are you thinking?" Johnnie ask

"how do you know I'm thinking?" I ask

"cause you always bite your bottom lip or you play with your fingers when your thinking" he says "so what are you thinking?" he ask

"your just... Really really cute, it's unexplainable, I can't even" i say

He giggles "am I really that cute that you can't even?" he ask

"yes" I say

He kisses my cheek "are you ready to face Bryan and Angelina downstairs?" Johnnie ask me

I sigh "I'm never gonna leave my room" I say

"c'mon you have to" he says

"no" I say

"who will get you food?" he ask

"you" I say

He laughs "your funny" he says

"let's just go get it over with" he stands up

"no" I say again

"I'll let you touch my bum later if you come with me" he says

I stand up. "let's go" I grab his hand

Johnnie giggles. We walk downstairs and awkwardly sit on the couch with Angelina and Bryan

"you two are really weird" Bryan says

"yea we know" Johnnie says

"congrats bro you aren't a virgin" Bryan jokes. I'm sure Bryan knew he wasn't a virgin

I pull my legs up and hug them "you okay?" Johnnie whispered to me

"yea I'm fine" I smile at him

*Johnnie's POV*

I really don't care that Bryan jokes with me, I just want Dylan to know I'm fine but I'm glad she really cares about me

"Can we just go do something else?" Dylan ask me

"yea, what do you want to do?" I ask

She gets up and grabs my hand, she pulls me upstairs and shuts the door behind us. "let's draw" she smiles

"draw what?" I ask

"I don't know" she says

"I don't know how to drawing anything except stick figures" I sigh

"I will help you, what do you want to draw?" she ask

"umm I don't know" I say

"okay.. Let's do something else" she says

"like what?" I ask

"umm I don't you" she says "I'm just so so board" she sighs

~next day~

"so are you two wanting to go to the party?" Angelina ask "Bryan had to go interview BOTDF again, Liam went with Kate" she adds

"umm Johnnie, do you want to go?" I ask him

"I don't know, do you?" he ask me

Somehow Angelina got us to decide to go to the party. I have no idea how big the party is gonna be but I'm hoping for a small one


Next chapter is the last chapter :/

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