chapter 2

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Vegeta had fallen asleep in bed as it started getting dark. In her mind Cell was distracted by the fighting with Goku and Gohan. But the Saiyan and half Saiyan were stuck waiting for Cell unknowing of what the Android had in store to end his worries.

As Cell landed at the building he smelled the air in search of the sorce of the smell. He followed it to the half open window Vegeta had forgotten to close. He bent down a little to see through the window and gasped a little. At first he thought it was just Vegeta since he saw the familiar hairstyle. But upon closer inspection Cell saw a smooth feminine curved body under the blanket. All he could see from his angle was the shape of her hips and the size of her ass. Daaaaaamn! Cell thought and looked around. No one else is here. But i can't risk someone walking in while my guard is down. I'll just have to take her with me. With that he opened the window as quietly as possible. It was a long process but was worth it when he was able to crawl through the window and into the room. The smell was now swimming in his head, it was so strong he had to block his nose with tissues before he ended up with an even worse problem. He walked over to the bed not making a sound and carefully picked the woman up. He drooled a little seeing her perfectly round supple breasts and her perfectly untouched skin. It's almost a shame to have to destroy something so beautiful. He took a deep breath and purred a little tasting her on his tounge. He shook his head and heard a woman's voice as the front door opened. He smirked and easily made his escape with the woman in his arms.

The full moon glistened beautifully in the night sky as Cell flew his about-to-be mate to his nest. He flew faster and faster each time his nostrils or his tounge caught the women's sent. He felt entranced, bewitched, possessed, however you want to say it. He felt like he only had one mission in life and that was to make this woman his mate. He started slowing down as he reached his nest far far away from the arena. He smiled at the peacefully sleeping woman and held her close to his chest. Soon you will be mine my dear. He thought as he lied down on his bed of vines and leaves. He held her close and smiled feeling her breath on him. He gently closed his eyes and made plans on how to make her his in the morning.

Vegeta awoke slowly as she felt enveloped by a warmth she couldn't recognise. She moved her arms to stretch and felt her hands climb up large bolder like muscles. She opened her eyes more to adjust to the lighy and caught wiff of an intoxicating smell. "I see my princess is awake~" a deep hypnotic voice purred making Vegeta's skin crawl with pleasure and excitement. She looked up to find herself eye to eye with a pair of perfectly shaded purple eyes. For a moment Vegeta felt like she could stare at them forever. That was until he saw the face it belonged to. "Cell!? Let me go!" She snapped and tried to wriggled out making him chuckle. "I went to a lot of trouble to get to you sweetheart, I'm not letting you go that simply." He said as he grabbed a rope made from multiple vines and tied Vegeta's hands together. "You should feel honoured. You'll be soon mating with the most perfect being in the universe." He whispered in her ear. Vegeta tried to get out of his grasp but the more she struggled the more her feminine scent filled Cell's nostrils. Cell drooled and threw Vegeta down into the nest. "Screw being a gentleman, that can wait!" He growled seductively making Vegeta shudder with both disgust and arousal. Cell wasted no time and used a finger nail to tear her pants off. He smirked seeing she wasn't wearing any panties. "How wonderful~ you like to think so far ahead~" he purred and spread her legs. Vegeta started feeling heat in her gut and barely fought back as Cell's smell swam in her head. Cell got in between her legs and started licking her clit. As his warm tounge swirled around her clit Vegeta moaned loudly and clawed at the rope but her nails were too short to do anything to the rope. Cell smirked and shoved his tounge deep inside Vegeta making her squeal. "Oh Cell~ please stop teasing me~!" She moaned and Cell chuckled making her moan again. "You're trying to skip to the best part dear~ are you really that desperate~?" He asked as his hot breath tickled her pink flesh. "Yes~ please make me your mate~" She panted as Cell got up and climbed on top of her. "As you wish my dear~" he purred in her ear unlatching his groin armour letting his erect cock out. He got in position before slowly putting his cock in her. He gave her a few minutes to adjust hearing Vegeta's lovely moans. He started thrusting slowly into her. He listened as her moans filled his ears making each thrust he gave harder and faster than the last. After a good hour of pounding the life out of Vegeta and making her cum five times he finally came hard inside her womb making them scream each other's names. Vegeta lied on the nest and passed out in exhaustion. Cell smirked at this and tucked her in before getting himself in perfect condition. "Sorry to fuck and run baby, but i have a competition to win and a planet to wipe human life off." He chuckled to himself and left the cave unknowing of what he had just done.

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