Thank you

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Hi yes this book is over

This is bittersweet for me

Bitter because it's one of my first stories I've written and I don't want it to be over but sweet because now I can move on to bigger better things

I really love this story and it came up randomly in my head like most of my stories

You can tell it's one of the first seeing how the first few chapters are super short and have bad timing and grammar but that's okay

Anyways I really loved this story and I can't wait to write a sequel which by the way there def will be one

This book is literally like my child and now it's all grown up and time to leave the nest

Okay I'm being way too extra about this it's only a story

But still it's my baby and I love it

I hope you love it as much as I do and yeah go read some of my other stories

Touring with Why Don't We 1 And 2

One Love// J.A, Z.H 1 And 2

Overprotective Brother// Z.H, D.S 1 And 2

Siblings// J.A

Stutterer// J.M

Love at First Sight// J.M

Why Don't We High School

Badass Besties// J.M

Opposites Attract// C.B

Tutor// C.B

Imagines// WDW

Views// B.H

Behind his Back// D.S

Step-daughter// D.S

Family// C.B, WDW

Bad for You// J.M

And many more to come

Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed

✅ In The Shadow//WDW ✅Where stories live. Discover now