hell is sometimes hidden in life

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When I was 10 I lived with my family in the woods close to wall Rose. I had a mother named M/n and a father named F/n, I also had 2 brothers older than me named B/n and B/n they are apart of the scouts that adventure outside the walls. Aren't they amazing!oh I can't forget my little sister S/n, she's not really little because she's the same age as me but I call her little because I was born 6 hours before her.  Me and my sister are really close since were the same age and we do everything together but we are somewhat different, I have H/l and H/c and she has H/l and H/c as my father but I still love her anyway.

One day my and my sister and mother went to go shopping for groceries and we bumped into 2 men that looked like there up to no good. My mother just said sorry and we went on are way but the men didn't leave us alone, they kept followed us around and my mother finally decided to fight back " would you men please stop following us your scaring my children!" She said that so loud that everyone at the stores look towards us even the wall Mira cadets walking past us.The 2 men then ran off into the alley way and disappeared.

When we got home from grocery shopping my mother told my father what happened and he was angry that he wasn't there to stop them.
A few hours later we heard knocking at our door."Who could that be" said farther sitting on the couch reading the news paper "I don't know" said my mother in the kitchen making dinner. Me and my sister quickly jumped and ran to the door and opened it. The scouts that adventure outside the wall were standing on the other side of the door, they look sad and angry at the same time, they look at me and my sister and than kneeled down towards us and said " we are very sorry that this happened to you" and than he hugged us. We dont understand why but than I saw my brothers bracelet I mad them for there birth day and I suddenly understood why there saying sorry.

My parents rush over to the door and the scout quickly got up and stared at them and it's like they new what they were thinking because they started to break down and cry,
" no....... no! This can't be true! my babies.......... noooooo!" Said my mother sobbing on the floor with my father holding her in his arms. I look over and see my sister still confused on what's happening and I ran to her and hugged her and it hit her why we were crying and so she cried to.

A few days later

Mother and father started to fight alot recently and its scares me and my sister alot. They fight and yell about my 2 brothers that died and they say it's there fault that it happend but one day it got out of control, they started hitting each other and yell and than my father took out his gun he has stored in his room for  a emergency and yell " i sorry but I can't take it anymore, this is the only way I can see them again and your coming with me honey!!" He than shot my mother in front of me and S/n and looked at us and said " I'm sorry" and shot himself after.

(End of chapter 1)

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