Chapter Twenty-Two: St. Xocolatl Day?

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I clutched my head and groaned. The fangirls were unusually loud today. I rubbed at my temples trying to erase the growing pain in my head. Yawning, I stood up and took a shower and put on the normal night class uniform. I left my hair hanging down as I grabbed and slid on my shoes. I walked out of the room at the same time that Kaname did, but instead of casually walking down the stairs with him I jumped down from the banister. I felt different since the training I had undergone, I landed gracefully next to Rei and Asher who were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"What is with all the noise today?" I groaned.

Aido's head whipped around. He stared at me with his mouth gaping, "Tomorrow is St. Xocolatl day!"

I looked at him confused, "What's that?"

Rei leaned over and whispered, "It's like our Valentines' day. "

"So all the girls want to give the night class chocolates and they're just excited that that day is tomorrow? The prefects should control that chaos because it's quite bothersome. " I groaned from the headache I still had.

Just then Kaname spoke up, "Shall we go?" He didn't bother glancing back at us all as he walked to the door and stepped out.

Everyone else followed information like they did every day. Rei, Ash, and I stayed back from the others as they walked. I could hear Yuki yelling trying to get the girls in order. Her attempts failed due to the insistent screaming of the girls that drown out the sound of her voice.

Suddenly the gates opened. The girls parted like the red sea and lined up giving us a pathway to walk through.

"Hello, ladies!" Aido greeted and all the girls screamed in response.

I groaned again, this wasn't helping my headache. I saw Zero standing off to the side so I went over to greet him. He was just as annoyed with these girls as I was.

Kaname greeted Yuki warmly then he turned around and walked towards Zero, "Hello Kiryu. How are you feeling?" He said in a mocking tone.

For a moment everyone was silent as the tension rose. Zero glared at Kaname.

"Take care of yourself," Kaname said as he turned to leave. I scoffed at his arrogance.

Zero spoke up, "If you're trying to start something, I'll challenge you anytime Kuran."

Kaname kept walking. Aido was radiating anger, but Akatsuki kept him from turning around.

I waved goodbye to Zero and followed the rest to class.

The class was always boring. I lounged around before Ash told me to go on back to the dorms. I wasn't going to refuse so I stepped outside. I was tired of listening to Aido and Ruka complain about how Zero spoke to Kaname. They can be almost as annoying as those fangirls.

I turned to head to the moon dorms when I suddenly saw Zero running out of the headmaster's building. I didn't take a second thought before I followed after him.

I called for him, but he ignored my attempts. Then I came up to the stables where we had hidden from the night class after I had played a prank on them. He was on his knees clutching his head in agony.

I cautiously approached him, "Zero, are you okay?"

"Go. Away." He said through clenched teeth without looking at me.

"Zero, what's wrong-" I froze when I saw crimson eyes meet mine. He quickly looked away.

"Zero? You're a vampire?......but how?" I was confused. He hated vampires with a burning passion and yet he was one himself.

I could see the pain hidden in his eyes. He was suffering. His thirst was killing him slowly. It was the same intense burning that I had felt as well.

"Let me help you." I walked closer to his huddled form.

"No. Back away Avery." He was struggling with his thirst.

"Just have some of my blood. Don't worry it will help." I tilted my head to the side giving him full access to my neck.

"No!" He tried to push me away, but couldn't. Zero held me close in an embrace.

His will to fight was slowly vanishing as he leaned in close. I could see him battling with himself to try to keep his distance.

"I'm sorry." He muttered softly as his fangs pierced the soft skin of my neck. I could feel the blood slowly leave me as Zero fed.

It didn't feel like it had when Kaname fed from me. This felt more like I was being devoured by an animal. One of his hands gripped the nape of my neck as his fangs ripped into my neck.

"It's okay Zero. Take as much as you need to ease the pain." I tried to reassure him.

Suddenly the warmth that was Zero was ripped away and all I saw was the blazing crimson eyes of Kaname. He looked furious.

I put a hand to my neck to stop the blood flowing from the open wound on my neck.

I could feel myself getting light-headed. Kaname offered me a hand, but I slapped it away. I didn't want Zero to feel any more guilty than he already does.

I smiled at Zero, "I'll see you tomorrow. " Then I started to head back to the moon dorms avoiding Kaname the best I could.

He quickly caught up to me as I was starting to sway. He lifted me into his arms. If I wasn't dizzy I would have complained about our closeness.

We continued to the dorms in silence. He brought me up to my room and sat me on the counter in the bathroom.

"What are you doing? " I questioned him.

He just calmly looked over me then removed my hand from the wound. He grabbed a wet cloth and lightly began to clean off the blood. I could see that this small task was hard for him. Blood lust threatened to control him, yet he remained in control. I could see

It seemed like he was taking forever to clean the blood off, but once he did he bandaged it and helped me off the counter.

He turned to leave and as he reached the door I whispered knowing that he could clearly hear me, "Thank you."

[Edited May 2020]

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