Stoneheart part 2

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"Everyone is wondering when will these stone beings turn back to normal hopefully our new heros Bluejay and Lynx will solve this" the new report said

"Don't worry Ao I know these heros will save then we just need to show them we aren't scared Because we trust them" dad said

"And if they can't?" I asked

"Then I'll save you you know I will" he smiles

I nodded and stood up

"Come on I have to get to school" I said

We went out to his car and he drove me to school. I ran in.

"You really don't remember what happened?" I heard someone ask

"You went ballistic it was awesome" I turned and seen Juleka speaking to ivan

I walked over

"I'm sorry I don't remember anything" ivan said and looked at meylan.

Meylan looked concerned.

"Once a monster always a monster" Chloe said walking up.

I turned around

"You're the monster Chloe" Alya said

"Yea and I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad arm? We all know he's a monster deep down" she said and laughed

I growled and clenched my fist.

"Oh look little Ao Blue is turned red what you gonna turn into a monster too?" She said

I growled again and walked away. I went in the locker and took a deep breath.

"Calm down Ao don't let her make you angry" Bebe said

I nodded and put on my headphones and played some music. I put my phone in my Jean pocket and I started to dance to relieve my stress. I turned and seen Ivan come in. I walked over and pulled my headphones down. I kneeled by him

"Hey it's ok to tell meylan how you feel" I said

"I... don't know what you are talking about" he said

"I saw how you looked at her there's no shame of admit it"

He looked at me and nods.

"Maybe you can write her a song to show her" i suggested

"Really?" He asked

I nodded then he stood up smiling and left. I smiled and stood up.

"Good job Ao" Bebe said

I nodded. I out my headphones back on and went to class. I saw Jaden at my chair

"What the heck?" I said and walked over

I gasped seeing gum on my chair. Chloe started laughing.

"Oh haha I get it really funny you three" I said.

"It's not what you think I was just-" he started put I pushed past him and put a napkin on the gum and sat down with Alya.

"Hmph who is that guy?" I asked

"One of richest kids in paris and he's the most popular guy here with all that and Chloe's friend I'm staying clear" Alya said

He looked at me and I turned away

"Definitely for me and to think I thought he was nice" I said

Jason POV

Man I wish I could tell Ao that Chloe did it but I can't throw her under the bus like that she's my friend. (A/N Creator of Jaden: *trying not to spit out his tea*). I looked at mesa and he just shook his head disappointed in me. Nino put his hand on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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