Chapter 🖖: where's the space alcohol?

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McCoy pushed Kirby away from him "dude your ass bout to be grass tbh 👏" McCoy picked up his empty martini glass and put his clout goggles back on while pushing play on his hot pink iPod (this time Hey Ya! By outcast was playing) then began to walk to the space Starbucks to get Dragon fruit mango refresher. After he got his order of 1 y'all dragon fruit mango refresher he received a text from his space priest booty call that said 'hey bb ;-))))'

Ah shit, here we go again

Authors note: hey sisters!! I just wanted take take a quick second to ask, what the hell is wrong with me :)? Who or what made me decide to write this?

If you know, you know :')Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt