Part 2 ~ Surprise ~ Rosie

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Age: 18

The bell rang, disrupting the silence that our psychology class sat in. Our teacher was away, and in her place we had an old Scottish lady, with a misty voice, and crooked hands that she seemed to be constantly rubbing together, as if to get them warm from a cold that the rest of us were unaware of. She kept talking about how in dreams she lost herself, and how when you sleep, your mind wanders allowing you to be inspired by many new ideas. This high opinion on sleep was probably why she didn't wake up the half of the class that had fallen asleep to her monotone voice.

At the sound of the bell, they all jerked awake, and started slowly collecting their things and shuffling out the door, the sound of yawning going with them. It was a rainy August day, and I opened up my umbrella, my friend Ashley diving underneath next to me.

"Hey Ash," I said, and looked at her. Her hair was a mess, and she had sleep sand in her eyes, "You look a right mess!" I combed her hair with my fingers as she rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"It's not my fault that her voice is so sleep inducing," she said, a yawn punctuating the end of her sentence.

"Oh thank you so much for coming to get me," said a sarcastic voice from right behind me, "Rosie, we agreed that when it rains, because you have the bloody golf umbrella, that you will come and get me, or Ash, or both of us, to save us getting wet."

I turned to look at Rachel, and gasped. She was soaking wet, "Rachel!" I cried, "Why didn't you wait, instead of going out into the rain?! I was just taking care of Ashley because she looked like she's just woken up. Which, I suppose she has. I hadn't forgotten about you!"

Rach huffed, "Fine. Anyway! Let's go! It's a Friday, and you know what that means!"

"MOVIE NIGHT!" The 3 of us cheered, laughing. It was a tradition that reached back to when we were still at primary school. Every fortnight, since I'd first become friends with them, we've all congregated at either of our houses and watched movies all night. We rotated our houses so that we weren't much of a burden on our parents. It got a lot easier and more frequent when I got my driver's licence. Now it's every Friday night, and more often than not, at midnight we drive out to the beach and fall asleep either on the sand or in the car. My car is always stocked with blankets for this very reason.

A drawling voice interrupted our good mood, "A movie night. How exciting." We turned around and Joshua Suchie was standing behind us. He was in the rain, and his school shirt had soaked through and was sticking to his skin. His hands were in his pockets, and his hair was in strands that fell into his eyes. It would have been mildly attractive, if it weren't for the unlit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes, and looked at Ash, I was not surprised by what I saw. If this were a cartoon, then her eyes would have been huge pink throbbing hearts, and her mouth would have been wide open and drooling. It was common knowledge that Ashley had a massive crush on Josh, and he wasn't out of the loop. He knew that he had her wrapped around his finger. The problem was that Ash knew, and didn't care. At least Rach and I were there to make sure that Josh didn't take advantage of her.

"Let me guess," I said, glaring at Josh from under my umbrella, and gesturing to his cigarette, "It's a metaphor."

Josh smirked, "I'm not going to argue with you Rosemary."

"Oh, it wouldn't be an argument. You don't have the intellectual capability to reply to half the things that I say."

Josh laughed, and took the cigarette out of his mouth, "I'm not taking your bait." He walked up to us until he was nearly under the umbrella.

"What do you want, Josh?" Rachel asked, her voice a jagged knife.

It would have been more appropriate if his eyes were bright red instead of that piercing blue that Ashley always went on about.

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