Great Gatsby au pt. 2

Start from the beginning

You didn't know if he was calling out your name, it was too loud to hear anything around you. You pushed past people to get to the stairs that led to the balcony. You would mutter a few excuse me's but it was all lost in the noise of it all. You didn't turn back you figured he would probably follow you; he always did. He never wanted you to get hurt.

As you walked in long strides you glanced around you noticing the number of women that had shown up in warring nothing but their bras and panties which covered basically nothing. Theseus' words came flodding back to you, one who is known to be a womanizer. You noticed that theses women too had wandering eyes as if they too were looking for Gatsby.

One girl who was wearing red lingerie and a big feathery headdress let her eyes wander over to Theseus. She licked her delicately painted lips and swayed her hips as she walked over to him. She was nearly his height with her enormous heels on, she didn't even need to tip toe to whisper in his ear like you did. She draped an arm around him and leaned in whispering something into his ear. You felt jealousy squeezing tight into your heart. He remained expressionless as she ran a hand through the back of his hair. He kept his eyes locked on you. You turned a light shade of red.

You quickly turned away you didn't want to see her undress him with her eyes. You still prayed that he'd follow you although by now he was probably sliding her panties down her legs and taking her the way you always dreamed he'd do to you. Running his calloused hand over the curves of her breasts. You'd shook your head in hopes of getting rid of those revolting thoughts from your mind.

You made your ways to the top of the stairs and stood at the top of the balcony gripping the rail. You turned behind you and noticed that Theseus wasn't there. You were naive to believe that he'd follow you after the way you spoke to him. And after that girl had made a move on him. Of course he wouldn't tag along he would be with that girl.

Speaking to him like that was surreal. You never raised your voice at him and come to think of it you'd only ever seen him raise his voice at work. When he was on the phone or with unmanageable employees. As soon as he'd see you though he'd regain his usual cool composer. Pushing back his hair, a few curls always escaped the gel when he got riled up, straighten his tie. Then if he was on the phone he'd cover it and tell you it was just a little spat. If you had walked in on him yelling he'd lower his voice and talk to the employee through clenched teeth in a stained tone until you left. Once you were a couple paces past his door you'd hear him yell at the employe again.

It always made you giggle to yourself. The fact that he not only never wanted to seem cruel to you by raising his voice but wouldn't even want to raise his voice in your presence.

Even on the days when you were completely insensible and would yell at him. He would just sit there and take it because he knew he wasn't the cause of your distress. He knew that you were probably having a rotten day and just needed someone to be a sounding board for you. Even though he could yell back because it would be completely justified he didn't. So he sat there and took it because, unknown to you, he loved you.

You leaned on the rail and looked out into the crowd. You saw him and noticed that the skimpy girl was no longer wrapped around him. She was a couple feet away with a huffy expression. Theseus stood alone in the middle of the floor, he had a glass of champagne in his hand, his eyes still looking with this longing gaze at you. You were so mesmerized by his stare that you didn't notice someone had come to stand behind you.

"It's a wonderful view isn't it." A warm breath tickled your neck and you jumped in surprise.

Jay Gatsby was standing behind you. "No need to be frightened baby I don't bite." His American accent was charming, he gave you a toothy grin as he moved to stand next to you, leaning against the rail with his hands in his pockets.

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