ch 1.

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*song for this chapter: Don't Be Gone Too Long - Chris Brown & Ariana Grande.*


I scrolled through my twitter mentions as I waited to board yet another plane, to another one of Cameron's events, in another city which I didn't want to go to. I was just reading countless indirects and mentions which all contained some sort of rude or vulgar words directed at me.

I read through all my mentions and replied to some of them, even though Cameron hates when I do. He always argues with me that I have no right to reply to them and he pretty much takes their side. It wasn't always like this though...


"Oww what the fuck that hurts! OWWW!" I heard Cameron yell from the hotel bathroom, followed by Nash and Matt's laughter. They had just finished filming a challenge video and were now throwing eggs at each other.

I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom but stopped when a huge piece of egg flew past my face. I looked around and saw the mess and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you guys doing, oh my god." I asked laughing at them. "Hey Cam, I think Penelope needs a big hug and kiss!" Nash said, smirking at me, and I immediately backed up. Cameron smirked as well and started walking towards me, egg dripping off his chest.

"Cameron don't you dare. I'm serious." I said putting my hands out to stop him from touching me. I looked around him and saw that Nash had the camera pointed at us, the red light still flashing, still recording.

As I looked away from Cam for that split second he ran towards me and grabbed me, I screamed at the gross feeling of egg seeping into my shirt. I started laughing though, as he kissed my cheek over and over again.

"This is definitely going into the bloopers for the video." Matt said, as I finally pushed Cameron off me pouting at him. He chuckled and kissed my lips before telling the guys that they were to clean the bathroom and we were going back to our room. Nash and Matt protested but we left anyway, and had to run back to our room to avoid anybody seeing us.

After Cameron and I got cleaned off and into bed, we just talked, and the topic that has been coming up a lot the past week is me going back home. I really don't want to go home, I want to stay with Cameron and be with him as he goes on this MAGcon tour but I have to finish up school.

"Don't be gone too long." Cameron whispered to me, as he ran his fingers through my hair. I kissed his chest, wanting to stay like this forever and not have to go back to school and the constant stares and words.

I couldn't take it anymore.

*End of Flashback*

Boy if I thought I couldn't take it back then, I sure as hell can't take it now. I have been getting so much more hate because things with Cameron and I are sort of rocky and the fans can sense it and are trying to push me over the edge. I hate to say that its working, and I know that Cameron knows as well.

My flight was called and I sent a message to Cameron before I boarded. All I got back was a simple 'ok' and at that I turned my phone off and got comfortable to try and get some sleep on this two hour plane ride.

...skipping flight...

When I got to JFK there were tons of fans, and it was really overwhelming. Some of them wanted pictures with me as I was escorted to a van but I didn't stop. I know Cameron would tell me it was rude but all I heard was the insults and hate, and I wasn't going to stop. Plus I was already late because baggage took forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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