Motivation Song -Gay-

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This is a gift for Lin_murr
I know he isn't doing so well. I hope you feel better after reading this chapter. This is for you. The character up there is going to be named Jeffery.

Lin's POV~

I was in my room. Crying. I want happiness, I want to be loved. Why can't I have that? It hurts so bad knowing that a lot of people don't appreciate me for who I am. I get out of bed and grab my bag. I head to school. Another miserable day. I left my house after saying bye to my mom. She replies back and said "Have fun." But how can I have fun? The feeling of loneliness and hopelessness is really overwhelming. I want someone to be by my side. Someone to hold me when I'm cold. Someone to listen and care for me. Someone's shoulder to cry on as they help me feel better. I know that's not going to happen in the near future though. I walk to school and get a "visit" from the most popular person in the grade, Steven. He pulls of my bag and I try to snatch it back, but he just walks over to the trash can and puts it in. Everyone was looking at me and him as he laughed with a sickening smile and said "Go and get your bag, fag." I try to hold back my tears and reach in to get my bag. As I do, Steven grabs my legs and pulls me in completely. Everyone starts to laugh as he says while laughing "Why do fags like you even exist?" I slowly got out of the trash can and walked to my home room. People were throwing things, calling me names like "Trash man," or "Trash Fag." I went into my home room and my teacher looked at me and said "This is not the proper attire to wear during class. This will be a warning, but if it happens again, I'm calling your parents and you'll be sent to the principal's office." I nod my head and let a tear slide down my face. Why doesn't anyone have any concern for me? Why do I have to be treated like this? Why couldn't I live a life where someone actually cared for me? The teacher then says "Now, go get some extra clothes and change into the proper attire." I nod my head and head out to my locker. When I get my clothes, I go to the locker room to change and take a shower. Once I get there, I find that I'm not alone. I see a white and grey wolf with a guitar in here. He looks so hot. I already know that I'm out of his league though. He's probably straight like everyone else. Even worse, if he knows that I'm gay, I can't even imagine what all he'd do. He looks at me and runs over. He then looks at me with concern and said "Oh my gawd! What happened to you?!" I shake my head and continue walking to the showers. I take off my clothes and began to shower. The wolf from before then says "May I come in?" I didn't answer. I don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. I already knew who this person was. This was Jeffery. The hottest and most popular guy in the grade above me. Also the reason why I say he's out of my league. He then comes in. I keep my gaze away, trying not to look like a pervert and look... south. He starts to shower next to me and says "I know we haven't been off to a good start, so I'd like to introduce myself." I nod my head while looking away. I then feel a wet and soft paw on my cheek. He makes me look at him and says "My face is here." His face was inches away from mine, which caused me to blush a bit. Hopefully he didn't see it though. He then continues his previous statement. My name's Jeffery Anderson. I'm the lead guitarist of the towns local band." I nod my head, looking away. He once again makes me look at him and asks "What's your name?" I shake my head. He then says "Please?" I then say in a very quiet voice "Lin." He then says with a smile "Lin? That's a cute name." I nod my head with a slight blush. I don't want to get too attached to this guy. If he finds out, then I'm going to probably have to deal with the other class too. As if my class wasn't bad enough. He then ask me "What happened to make you like this?" I shake my head and let a few tear spill. I try to leave. This isn't going to be good. He suddenly wraps his arms around me and pulls me back. My back is right against his front and he says while looking down at me "Please tell me. What happened?" I get out of his arms and I couldn't help myself anymore. I started to cry. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back. He helped calm me down a bit. Once I was calmer, he then asks "Please tell me what happened. I'll fix it." I shake my head again with tears still falling out. I then say "You can't fix it." He then asks with a sympathetic smile "Why not?" I then respond and say "The problem is me." He then hugs me and says "Don't say that. You can't blame yourself for whatever happened to you." I nod and he says "Now tell me, what actually happened to you?" I tell him the story and he said "Damn. That sucks. People are real assholes, aren't they?" I nod my head while looking away. He then ask me "Who did it?" I then say with a bit of fear "Steven Tylers." He nods his head and look at his watch. "Well, I'll see you later. I need to head to class so we're not late." I nod my head. I go back to my class and had to deal with the same insults from this morning. Lunch came around and there was a crowd. I look to see Jeffery beating the hell out of Steven. Steven was beat up pretty badly. Jeffery was basically flawless. Steven then says "Why would you care so much about a fag?!" Jeffery then says "Why haven't you thought that about yourself, you ass?!" Steven goes to hit Jeffery, but Jeffery grabs his arm and pulls him close before kicking him in the ribs. Steven lies down on the ground, past out. Jeffery makes his way out of the crowd and grabs my hand. He takes me to the abandoned classroom. He hands me his lunch and said "Eat." I shake my head, but he just smiles and says "I'm not hungry. You should eat." I slowly nod my head. He looks at me with a smile and I ask "Why?" He frowns with confusion and asks "Why what?" I then say back "Why did you beat the crap out of Steven?" He sighs and says "I've already known about you being bullied for the longest time. I just never knew who it was that was bullying you." He then blushes a bit and says "Honestly, I've been kind of... watching you from a distance." I start to blush. His blush darkens as he says "I think you're really cute." My blush becomes redder. He then says "I know you've been feeling bad, but I want to make it better!" He suddenly grabs me and pins me down to the floor. He then says "I really, really like you, Lin. I want to be with you forever." I blush even more intensely. He then says "Do you, want to go out?" Tears start falling down my face. I was so happy. Finally, the someone I wanted, no needed. The person to take care of me and love me. I smile with tears and say "Yes." He smiles widely. Suddenly, he kisses me and hugs me close to him. My eyes widen, but I soon accept and kiss back. After we separated, I laid my head on his chest. He smiles and kisses my head. He then says "I love you Lin. Forever and ever." I nuzzle my cheek into his chest and say "I love you too." After we got together, people started to stop bullying me. Steven got expelled for not only being a dick to me, but also was caught by Jeffery holding a knife and threatening someone with it. At lunch, we'd always come back to the abandoned classroom for lunch. It was our special spot. After we were done with our lunch, we'd always cuddle and wait till lunch was over. Jeffery has done so much for me. He's even played and sang to me. Jeffery is the sweetest person I've ever met. I love him, and he loves me. And that isn't going to change.

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