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So, I'm not your typical teenage girl. I've never went to school nor will I, I'm far too old for that now. But don't get me wrong I'm not dumb I'm just not educated properly. The only school I would ever think about joining is EDLA, Evergreen Dance Learning Academy, but that will never happen. That place costs a fortune, at least $40,000. Your probably wondering why I've never been to school, well it's kind of a long story. My parents got divorced when I was 2 then soon after, my dad died and my mom moved away to who knows where. I stayed at an orphanage for a year before someone decided to adopt me. I was the happiest little 3 year-old girl in the world. On the way to my new parents house I imagined what it would be like. A good sweet cinnamon pumpkin spice smell welcoming me in. Maybe they have kids already so then I could have brothers and sisters to play with. We got to the house and it was the exact opposite, my new dad threw trash to the ground adding to all the other trash. The smell making me want to barf. The only thing that was happy about it was living there made me find my dream. One day I was watching TV in the living room surrounded by trash and the disgusting smell when this little girl came on the TV, 5 years old. She danced so beautifully and I wanted to be just like her. Her name was Susie McCallen. I immediately stood up and tried to copy her flawless dance moves.

"What kind of show is this!" My new mom yelled taking the controller. My new dad came in and watched me try to dance. He came over and pushed me down into the trash, not very hard, but he still pushed me.

"You think your good sweetie and could be just like her?" My new dad asked with a smile. I nodded and had a smile that could reach ear to ear.

"Well you can't! You are worthless with no talent! It wasn't even our decision to adopt you so you shouldn't even be in a nice little home like this! Now go to your room you little wanna be!" He yelled pointing down the hallway. I raced to my room and in the middle of the night ran away. The people from the orphanage found me and decided that I should leave to a different orphanage. I went to a ton but none of them worked out. Soon enough I was then sent to an orphanage in America. Yes, I was not born in America I was born in sweet old England. That's probably why I have a British voice. It kind of doesn't make sense to me since I've been in America most of my life not England but I guess my voice just stuck from the 4 years I spent in England.

Well the orphanage didn't work out in America either so I just decided to live on my own. I mean I am almost officially an adult, 17 years old to be exact. I got a job at the local McDonalds which paid exactly enough to pay my rent for my apartment. It's not the best one though, it's really beat up and the walls are stained. It actually looks like it's abandoned, but I continue to work everyday to afford it so I'm not like a homeless person on the street.

Everyday after work I would go across the street to this dance studio. I would take a gym bag that had CDs it in, which I got at the 25 cent store, and a pair of ballet shoes I got at a garage sale. I would always sneak in through the back window when the studio was closed to teach myself how to dance. For some reason they always kept the windows open. Maybe they didn't even have locks on them. I never went to this studio during open hours for two reasons, 1. I'm very shy and don't want people judging me like my old dad did. Plus I don't want to be taught I want to teach myself. And 2. I can't afford it.

I've watched a bunch of Youtube videos and eventually got the basics of dance. I'm not the girl that practices until they're toes seem numb and are bleeding a lot nor am I so skinny that you can see my rib cage that makes me look anorexic. But dance is what cheers me up and helps me. It is my escape.

The dance studio keeps the music player in there overnight so all I have to do is sneak in and put in the CDs.

So yeah this was my life, friend-less, boyfriend-less, parent-less dancing wanna-be that works at McDonalds. Just plain old me, Aliya.

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