James McAvoy (On The Set of Split)

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It was the first week of filming, when the director announced that they would get a new Costume Designer apprentice. The actual Costume Designer, Paco Delgado was pretty excited because he was the one that approached the director to take her on. She was the nice of his best man. Anna was a young girl, only 19 years old but she was a genius with costumes, sowing and creative as well.

It was Sunday when she arrived at set, in an old mazda 323. "Anna, my dear", one could hear Paco call with his strong Italian accent. And even the actors came out of their trailers, at least those that heard him. James McAvoy was the first to peek out of his trailer. "Uncle Paco.", a young woman about 19 years old stepped out of the car. She had porcelain white skin, a light German accent and dark red hair. "How are you, my dear", Paco asked and she smiled softly at the man in front of her." I'm fine. A bit surprised that you wanted me of all people here. After I died your last dress blue", he huffed slightly, crossing his arms in front of his chest and James watched the two. "That you did. And I haven't forgiven you yet, girl! But it was th e best Idea you ever had", Paco mumbled and she laughed brightly. "What if I tell you, I brought you sour Haribo from Germany? And a whole Boy of them", she grinned. "Well if that is the case... I may be able to forgive you... Now where are my Haribo?"

She just laughed and opened the back of the car, pulling out a large black duffel bag and a cardboard Box with a Logo saying Haribo on it.

"Let's get you to your own Trailer and introduce you to the cast!", Paco said and Anna just nodded. "Yeah sure. I'm pretty excited to meet them all", she said honestly and James couldn't contain a small unpleased grown. 'Not another fan girl that can't get a word straight', he thought. He would never say it out loud but he was quite tired of not being able to have a normal conversation.

"Yeah I can imagine", Paco smiled softly and then said something in Italian, James didn't understand. "No. È cattivo. Ha ricominciato a bere e non mi lascerà in pace. La prossima volta che proverai ad entrare in casa mia, non sarò così facile con lui.", she said quickly, not looking very pleased with the situation. And then they headed his way, so he quickly shut the door and acted like he didn't just spy on them.

They arrived his trailer and Paco knocked at the door. "James? Your there?", he asked and he opened the door again. "Yep. I'm here, mate.", James said, smiling his most charming smile at her. 'Well then at least see what she's made of!'

But she didn't waver for a second, just smiled absolute charming back at him, the warm and friendly look almost laid over her face like a mask. "Hello Mr.McAvoy.", she said with a friendly and completely calm and collected tone. He was surprised to say the last. "My name is Anna D'Angelo. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir.", she said and shook his hand firmly. "The Pleasure is all mine, Miss D'Angelo. But please call me James.", he tried to contain his Scottish accent, but it still showed quite strongly.

"Well then James. I am Anna.", she smiled and looked at Paco. "Well I'm going to show her around", paco begun when his phone went off and he sighed. "James would you be so kind to show her around? I have an emergency at hand", he said and James automatically nodded. "Her trailer is trailer 13. Here are the keys", he said, handing her the keys and answered his phone in Italian, walking away. "So ahem, yeah. You don't have to show me around. I'm sure I'll find it myself", she said slowly, eying him up and down. He just shook his head. "It is no problem Anna. Come I'll show you around", he said, smiling softly at her. A smile she didn't return, because his voice was slightly apologetic and she just frowned slightly.

He got outside, in the costume of Dennis, including the glasses. "Come. I'll show you around. So where you're from? Your accent doesn't seem Italian.", he begun. James just wanted to know who she was, to know how to respond to her. The bad side of being a famous actor. You couldn't trust anyone to not just try to get you to like them for fames sake.

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