I Want A Cheeseburger (no ship really but maybe stony?)[ENDGAME SPOILERS]

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Her gaze continued to stay fixed on the waters, he wondered what she was thinking about.

"Didn't it get lonely here?" He muttered and couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving her here.

"I was watching you guys, didn't really think about company."

He licked his lips, "How does this place work? Why am I here but not any other dead people?"

She narrowed her eyes before glancing over at him, "I assume it's because we're family."

"That's cute." He snorted and stared at the soft blue skies. "I missed you Natasha."

"Don't get all soft on me now."

He stared at her and received a warm glance. "I really did, I missed everyone really."

"Well if they're not complete idiots then we won't see them for a while." She chuckled and played with her fingers.

A beat passed and a soft breeze blew.

"Look." She whispered and nudged her head towards the waters. He sat up and followed her line of sight.

To his surprise he was watching his own funeral wake.

"Wow it's like a flat screen TV." He joked and she playfully shoved him away.

He took a moment to sit back up before really watching.

Everyone was there and a part of him found it hard to believe that that many people cared. He watched as Steve set down a flower wreath onto the water and let it drift away. It was heartbreaking, he wasn't sure why he was getting upset watching others be upset.

Perhaps he just didn't want to feel like a burden even after he was dead.

"You alright?" She murmured and placed her hand on his shoulder.

He sniffled and forced out a breathless laugh, "It's just crazy watching your own funeral I suppose."

"Here." She offered and he glanced down towards her hands. There were two cheeseburgers and his eyes glistened.

"How did you do that?"

"We're meant to be in paradise remember?" She smiled and he took one out of her hands.

He took a bite before his eyes casted over back towards Steve. The man looked devastated, all he wanted was to go back and hug him.

Natasha must have caught him staring, "You know when we were on the run, he talked about you a lot."


She nibbled on the food, "Yeah, you meant everything to him."

"Can't believe I'm saying this but I missed him too." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I wish I had said something in those five years."

"You were still recovering." She sympathised, and he scoffed.

"I guess." He muttered and took another large bite of his food. "I'm sorry we never gave you a proper send off."

"You wouldn't have had the time."

He glanced away momentarily, "Still, you don't deserve to not have one."

She smiled sadly, "Thank you Tony, that means a lot to me."

They sat there for a little while longer, their eyes focused on the vision in front of them.

"Steve's returning the stones." He said and watched as the man stepped onto the machinery. His eyes then moved towards Natasha, "If he returns the soul stone that means you can return."

He wasn't sure how she felt about that, she had an undecipherable expression. The look in her eyes didn't help either.

"I don't want to leave you here Tony."

"I made my decision to die."

"So did I." She whispered, and her eyes mellowed. "So why should I be the one that comes back?"

He smiled sadly and rubbed her shoulder, "We both know you're the only one that keeps this team somewhat sane."

They shared a soft laugh, "Will you be okay here?"

"I got a sweet flat screen TV." He managed and thought about the loneliness. "Besides, I might try to find my Mom or something."

"Yeah?" She smiled, "What are you going to say to her?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Sorry for dying so young? Sorry I didn't get married?"

"She'd be proud of you Tony."

A smile lingered on his lips, "I hope so...I'll probably try to catch up with my Dad too."

Another moment passed before a door opened behind them.

They turned around and to their surprise they saw Steve on the other side.

"My ride's here." She said as they both stood up.

He walked her towards the door and met Steve's gaze, they both smiled at one another.

"You looking for somebody?" He joked and crossed his arms.

Rogers scoffed, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Oh? You don't miss me?"

Steve shook his head and smiled sadly, "Unfortunately I do and that's why this sucks."

He breathed out and he felt his stomach churn. "I'll be okay, I promise."

Steve wanted to reach out, to touch the man again but he knew he couldn't. "Wait for me?"

His eyes fluttered, "Of course, just don't go marrying somebody else alright?"

Steve's eyes moved towards the engagement ring that hung off his neck, "I asked you to marry me didn't I?"

He smiled and bowed his head. Natasha glanced at them both before she hugged Tony one last time.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and buried her face against the crook of his neck. "I don't want to leave you here."

"I'll be fine, I promise! I won't be alone alright?"

She let out a heavy sigh and gave him one last look before stepping through the door.

His eyes moved towards Steve one last time.

"I'll be waiting."

The other man nodded, "Just look out for me will you? Otherwise I'll end up here sooner than you'd like."

"I don't see why that's a problem." He joked, and Steve smiled.

"I'll come back for you, I promise."

As the doors shut he smiled back, "I know." 

Avengers One Shots (Gay Ships)(Request Closed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz