1. Introduction

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Nayeon's POV

When I was a child my Mom always say that I can get what I want, so it became my obsession in my whole life.

For example I wanted to have that dress that only cost 20, 000 dollars. In just a swipe of my card I can get it, because I am hella rich girl.

Oh! I'm sure that this will make you become more jealous of me.

When I was only 4 years old, I wanted to have a Jaguar as a pet then in just a smile, BOOOOM! my Dad bought me a Jaguar.

He even bought me my own luxurious cars, condos, mansions, and everything.

The best thing that my Dad gave me that I really wanted to have was actually the island from the Philippines. I don't know how much is it but I'm sure it's too expensive.

We actually live in New York because my Mom and Dad are both well known business tycoon here and of course around the world.

But I decided to go home when I graduated in senior high, because I really love South Korea. Also my friends will live there with me..

This day was actually the day of my flight. As expected my Mom and Dad really cried in front of me. But I told them, I need to become an independent woman and make them proud through my independency and hard work to make them proud.

"Is there no turning back, sweetie" my Mom told me while holding my hand. I notice that my Dad wipe his tear through his hand.

"Mom and Dad, I need to go now. I'm with Tzuyu"

I looked at Tzuyu straight to her eyes and she just nod.

"I will take care of my Cousin, so Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Im" she said it emotionless.

What do I expect.

"Nayeon, take care of our precious daughter" Tzuyu's Mom told me.

"Of course, Aunt.. I promise" I assure Tzuyu's Mom.

"Nayeon, I forbid you and Tzuyu having boyfriends!" My Dad told me.

They nodded and I am not shock that even Tzuyu nodded for it.

Duuuhh! It is one of my reason.

"Oh come on Dad, you can't stop them chasing you're beautiful daughter" I told him with confidence.

"Oh I forgot that my daughter is a perfect girlfriend material in the eyes of men" then my Dad put his arm around my shoulder.


"It's time to go" the pilot of our private airplane told us.

We bid goodbyes to them and went in already to the airplane.

After a couple of hours we sleep, eat, talk and repeat.

"Oh damn.." I cursed when I saw Minhyuk face to my home screen. "I will make sure that he will be happy... with me"

"Owwws, Really?"

"Oh come on Tzuyu, Just support me"

"You just met him in a party on Las Vegas and you already wanted him.." she told me while she is eating her salad.

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