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I don't remeber my parents. Well, epic tales from my imagination don't count. At the age of three, you don't think about things like if the people you live with are actually your parents. My life wasn't like that. I grew up as if life were a perpetual "trade-off". Very sad, bawl your eyes out kind of stuff. Regardless, I doin't need and never will need anyone's sympathy. And before you even think it, no, I'm not a rebel-I-can-take-care-of-myself-life-is-a-suckfest kind of kid. I just don't need charity or the sadness of others. I have enough of my own.

My imagination was the one thing that kept me going. That and the fact that I'm made of some tough stuff. I like to think my real parents would be proud, but that's not here nor now. I went through a hard life, with various "families". Most of which never made it past three months. Guess you could say I have family everywhere. Ha ha, I'm halarious, I know. And in case you didn't catch that, that was some dry sarcasm for you. Something you may not have caught is the fact that I'm different. I didn't even catch it, at least at first.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2010 ⏰

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