The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt. 2/7

Start from the beginning

He shook his head, never minding the interruption. "And I'll... I'll understand if you do."

That gave you a stop. Wait. What?

"...what? Why would I?"

Why would you? He was... gorgeous, polite and so far so genuinely nice you thought you just made him in a dreamed-man-machine and as far as you knew, he was a superhero. So... if anyone should be considered a mistake... it was you. Your heart dropped to your stomach when your mind helpfully supplied you with that information. Was that what he thought? That you were unworthy? It would be perfectly understandable after all. How could you even compare to a man like him? You had told Ryan that this man was way out of your league and you hadn't been kidding.

"Unless that's how you feel... uhm, about me."

His eyes, previously focused on the table, snapped up sharply. "What? Why?"

Wasn't it obvious? You gestured towards your humble self. Wasn't it what he was saying?

"Well, I don't really think I'm considered a superhero girlfriend material," you concluded.

The captain quickly leaned it, his hand gently wrapping around yours. To say you were bewildered at the gesture would be an understatement. You were perfectly lost. And it felt kinda nice, him touching you.

Shut up.

"That's not what I meant at all!" he exclaimed with urgency, his eyes roaming your whole face, his expression seeming guilty.

Nope, you weren't quite following, though a bit of hope flickered in your heart; his hand didn't release yours. "You... didn't? I'm sorry, I don't... I don't understand."

"What I meant was... you do know who I am, right?"

"Y-yes. My... uhm, my friend figured it out. I- I don't know much..." you admitted, slightly embarrassed. You never were a fan of history classes. Like... memorising dates. Nope.

"Alright... I crushed a plane during the second world war..."

"That I do know. You saved millions of lives."

His cheeks dusted with a bit of pink as if he was bashful about it.

"I thought it was the end. And I woke up seventy years later..." he bit his lip, his fingers twitching on yours. He blinked in surprise when he noticed them touching you and the blush on his cheeks darkened.

When he tried to retreat, you caught his hand in return, noting the change in his tone. This was not an easy topic for him to talk about and you felt the need to comfort him. He looked at you in wonder at your gesture; you were shocked too, but it was simply an instinct. Bold action on your part, sure, but it still appeared right.

"That was only few months ago. I'm... not fully accustomed to this time." His eyes went strangely absent and you squeezed his fingers reassuringly. "Not to mention that what I do is... dangerous to say at least. I would understand if you rather stayed away."

Heavy silence fell on your table on the last note, interrupted by your waitress. You only managed to stare at Steve as he politely, yet absently, thanked her for your food, conflict all over his face as your hands parted in favour to make space for the plates.

Frankly, you didn't care for food in the slightest, too taken aback and having some serious trouble to process his words.

Now that took a turn you never saw coming.

"So... you wouldn't mind... me being me?" you asked a bit unsurely. You were starting to understand his train of thoughts and your brain was absolutely overwhelmed by it.

Lessons in Rule Breaking and Other Reader-Inserts*Steve Rogers*Reader*Where stories live. Discover now