I was the one who pulled the trigger. It was just another life I took. Be it to save one of my brothers, it was still a life. I had to live with it.

I went into the bathroom, taking my medication, and took an extra anti-anxiety to calm my frazzled brain, changing into my clothes, and sat in my bed. I turned on TV for some "white noise" to be able to sleep...

But even the medication didn't keep the nightmares at bay.

I relived my brothers being killed. Hades dying in my arms. Me having to shoot six people, and three of them dying on this job.

But the medication kept me asleep, until sunrise, and I woke up feeling like shit. After a shower, and breakfast, we all went to see Clairmont's shrink. And one by one, he saw us all.

I went last because I was going to take the longest.

"Ms. Romera, the VA has sent over your files... Can you tell me what happened last night?" He asked, clicking his pen down, already jotting notes.

"Two men trespassed onto the property, taking two of our brother-in-arms hostage, attempting to rob the place... Burglary, as is the charge, and the one I had to shoot was pulling a gun out to shoot one of my coworkers... I was preventing a murder." I stated calmly, too calmly for him.

"The bullet got the very end of his aorta... the suspect bled out en-route to the hospital." I covered my face, putting elbows on my knees. "While you may think that you have done wrong, Ms. Romera, let me tell you who you did take down... A known pedophile, rapist, and aggravated robber." He handed me a news article from a couple websites.

Former Spec-Ops, Security Officer Hailed Hero defending Property; Takes out known Pedophile, Rapist, and Aggravated Thief. 

Former Marine turned Bodyguard Kills High-List Wanted Criminal

Former Marine Turned Security Officer Does What Police Failed To-Do: Defending Client, Shoots and Kills Wanted Criminal.

"You see, Ms. Romera, nobody wants a Pedophile running around. His partner? Aggravated Assault, Attempted Murder of Officers and Veterans, Criminal Trespass, Attempted Burglary.... the list just added on, and he now has life in prison, and he had a clean record, until now... If anything, you probably saved a bunch of people misery. You have revenge to a family, or families, who have been looking for it for their women and children for so long, now." I just breathed. "While I know the burden of taking a life is extremely hard, that is why I am here. Now, Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell me about that."

I did.

He counseled me on that, too.

And I did feel better talking about it... while it still hurt like hell to talk about my dead fiancé, it felt good to get it out.

"Whenever Mr. Clairmont comes in, it would be wise to schedule you both together. I know you have to stay together on duty, so bring some headphones or something to block the chatter out for each other's sessions." He wrote something else down for me. "Also, I would like you to try using CBD instead of upping your anti-anxiety medication at night. This shop uses higher dosages, and it's better quality. I recommended this for everyone else, as well. While I am licensed to hand out and administer drugs, I've seen long-term effects of Xanax and all the other stuff... and when the immunity is there... it's nasty when you have to switch." I nodded. "That's all, Ms Romera. Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?"

"Thanks, Dr. Forney."

Outside, the others were chatting among themselves, in better spirits. I felt lighter, and when we all agreed to breakfast, it was a no-brainer.

We all said fuck our healthy every day eating, and went to IHOP for some damn pancakes. After the shit night we had, we fucking deserved it. Johnson and Callahan had their guns holstered in their pants, hidden and out of sight, but remained observant, but still managed to remain part of the conversations.

I didn't like facing away from the door, but that was natural instinct. The two on duty needed to.

I was shoving some of my Tres Leches pancakes in my mouth, when a little baby, probably no older than 14 months, reached over and dropped chewed food she spit out over onto my exposed back.

"Oh, my god, Kylee! I'm so sorry, ma'am!" The woman came over cleaning it up, while I resisted the urge to vomit. I hated when people didn't keep an eye on their children, or even attempted to stop them from doing something like this.

Minx and Clairmont helped the woman clean off the half-chewed and salivated food of my back, while I was holding back words that should be spoken in front of little ears.

"I told her to stop and eat, please, forgive us... let me take care of some of your bill..." I just held up my hand, got up, and went to the bathroom.

"She had a really bad night, ma'am... You don't have to cover any of our bill. You may want to just put her in a high chair, though." I heard them behind me as I went into the bathroom. I could reach where that child threw food on me and soaped myself clean. After waiting a couple of minutes, I went back out and they had put the child in a high chair, but I wasn't hungry anymore. Half my food was untouched. They finished up eating while I poked around and the delicious but unappetizing food on my plate.

"I'll be out in the car." I got the keys from Callahan, and went out and turned the engine on to get the AC going, hopping in my seat.

The guys came out a few minutes later and Clairmont handed me a bag.

"You didn't finish your food... We just ordered you a new plate to go." I smiled softly and thanked him, putting it at my feet. I was tired and ready to go back to sleep.

Back at the house, the others went home in respective vehicles, preparing to go back to work tomorrow, and I had to get ready for the Astros game tomorrow.

After a nice, long shower, my appetite returned, and I ate the food that was remade for me. After a full belly and a nap, I was itching for a run, but Johnston was not up for it.

"I'll carry, no worries. Harris scouted earlier, no boar." We went out on a run, stopping at the lake up ahead to catch our breath. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked me. "Off the clock, no bullshit, Brother to sister?" He meant in combat terms.

"I will be, eventually. We all have to be at some point, right?" I shrugged, putting my arms above my head to breathe better.

"You were screaming in the middle of the night, Firehawk... And you were in with Forney for a really, really long time."

"We talked about a lot of other shit... It helped clear my mind." I didn't bring up Hades, or the other things.

"Do I need to call another guard in temporarily?" He asked me honestly. I shook my head.

"Once I'm past the trial, I'll be fine. I just need to get some range time in, get some regular work time in, I'll be okay-"

"How bad is your PTSD? Even I'm at 100." Caught. I dropped my arms.

"I'm at 125% with the VA." He cursed.

"And you're still cleared for duty? Allowed to-"

"I'm not homicidal, suicidal, or any kind of mentally insane, Scorpio." I spat at him. "I'm here to do a job, and quite frankly, it's getting a little too fucking personal right now." I looked at my clock. "And right now, it's getting late, the game is tomorrow, and we need some sleep. Let's go." We ran back to the house and didn't speak for the rest of the night.

And I didn't sleep well that night, either.

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