Chapter Two

Mulai dari awal

Enigma was only a couple blocks away from where he was staying which made it a short walk for him. He was there within fifteen minutes and once outside, he could tell that it was going to be a crowded night. Creatures were leaning against the outside of the building, still in their human form so the humans walking by wouldn't cry out in fear. He nods to them before entering the club, immediately letting his human appearance fall away and his red skin to appear. A few creatures glance his way but say nothing, most creatures try to stay out of a demon's way if they can. That is, if they're not playing a round of poker with them.

"Hey, is that who I think it is?" someone says from the bar, looking right in Mercury's direction. Mercury feels a smile appear on his face. "Aye, it is! Get over here you angry fuck. How are you?"

"Hey Ludwig. On an assignment," Mercury replies as he approaches the short vampire. "Still terrorizing the streets?"

Ludwig waves him off. "I get drunk on their blood but it's not as good as straight from the source. These New Yorkers, I tell ya. Seem to be getting worse."

"It's good business for Hell but if humans don't get their shit together soon, we're going to be overcrowded." Mercury orders a zombie and the bartender nods, the fae mixing up the drink. "Lucifer is already making blueprints to enlarge the circles."

"How is he gonna do that? Doesn't that mean cutting into other circles? There's not much other room to go from what I hear."

The fae slides Mercury's drink in front of him as he shrugs. "I'm not sure. There's definitely no where else to go but I've learned not to question him, lest I get knocked flat on my ass."

Ludwig lets out a laugh before taking a drink from his own glass. He sets down the glass and looks at Mercury for a few seconds before speaking again. "So what's this assignment of yours? Pretty important?"

"Eh, a long one. Two years I'm stuck here." Mercury scowls and takes a drink. "All for some fallen angel."

"A fallen angel, you say?"

Mercury perks up at this response. "Do you know him?"

Ludwig shrugs. "How recent has this happened?"

"Pretty recent I suppose. Otherwise I would have been out here sooner." Mercury finishes off his drink and waves away the bartender when she asks if he wants another. "So, know about it?"

"No," Ludwig responds, looking around the room. "You could go talk to the phemes. Those girls always got some gossip. They might have heard somethin'."

"Thanks Ludwig." Mercury pats him on the back before making his way towards the table where the phemes congregate. A few of them spot him as he approaches, immediately bending their heads together to alert the others of his presence. "Ladies."

The one who originally spotted him gives him a flirty smile. "To what do we owe the pleasure, Lucifer's favorite?"

Phemes are the daughters of Ossa, the Greek goddess of rumors and gossip, and they look like human females however they have a set of golden wings. Whispers seem to follow them and they have the power to manipulate people into thinking or doing things based on a rumor they tell them. Everyone avoids getting on their bad side because they could make or break your reputation.

"Do one of you beauties happen to know where I can find a fallen angel?" Mercury says, taking a seat between two of the phemes. They smile at him.

"Of course we have. What do we get in return? We don't give gossip to others for free," the pheme next to him replies. The other phemes nod in agreement, all staring Mercury down.

"What kind of payment would you like?" Mercury asks, looking around the table. His folded hands are on the table in front of him, him ready to negotiate whatever needs to be done.

"A rumor for a rumor, of course. Unless you want to buy us all a few rounds," the same pheme replied.

Mercury frowns a little. He doesn't want to buy them all a few rounds but he doesn't exactly have a rumor to tell. Unless...

"Well...if you're really looking for gossip," Mercury baits them and they all lean forward, eager to hear what he has to say. "Emory has a thing for harpies. Rumor has it that he's had...flings with them."

The phemes look at each other with giddy smiles. They quietly talk among themselves, a few of their wings fluttering in excitement. Mercury sits back and watches them, letting them mull over this before he requests the rumor again. The pheme sitting across from him makes eye contact with him and hushes the others, getting them back on topic.

"The rumor, girls. We owe him one now."

The pheme sitting to his left shares a nod with the others before looking at Mercury with an almost evil smile. "We have two rumors for a fallen angel. However, the one costs more than the little rumor you gave us. The other rumor will be revealed with the rumor you have told. Which do you choose?"

Mercury's eyebrows furrow. Two rumors? What could this possibly be about?

"Do I only get one or do I have the choice to get both?" Mercury asks, leaning forward onto the table again.

"Only one. You must choose."

"In that case, I will take the one that I've already paid for. After all, I can't let my rumor go to waste now can I?"

The pheme on his left smiles again. "Alright, a deal is a deal. Rumor has it that the fallen angel is lurking in the shadows near the river on the Upper East Side. A few ghouls have seen him sulking around and they made a complaint to a few werewolves. Not that they would do anything."

"Werewolves handle a fallen angel? The ghouls are really kidding themselves if they think that's true," Mercury replies.

"You're telling us. The ghouls are always full of shit. Always trying to sell a rumor that is obviously false," one of the phemes comment, admiring her nails. Then she folds her hands in front of her. "We wouldn't have believed this rumor if it hadn't been for the werewolves catching a glimpse of him too."

"Now, as much as we adore you, we have some gossip to share amongst ourselves so we request that you leave the table."

Mercury nods. "Of course. It was lovely as always, ladies. Thank you for the information." Mercury gives them a bow before walking back toward the bar.

Ludwig gives him a glance as he sits back down. "Find out anything good? You were over there for quite awhile."

"I found out where this angel is and that ghouls are fucking morons but what's new?"

"Ghouls," Ludwig says with disgust. "They're annoying little shits. Always up in everyone's business. I wish someone would just punt kick one into the river."

Mercury lets out a laugh. "That'd be the day. I'm going to head out. Take care, Ludwig, don't get too drunk tonight."

"Don't go lookin' for that angel tonight. I heard some sirens were lurking where he is from the vamps. You'll get sucked in just like that." Ludwig snaps his fingers before taking the last swig of his drink. "Hate to see something bad happen to ya."

"Thanks for the heads up," Mercury replies, patting the vampire on his back. "I think I'll pay him a visit tomorrow morning then. This demon needs his beauty sleep."

Ludwig lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. "Sure ya do, ugly bastard. Get outta here."

With that, Mercury leaves the club into the cool night air. He stands outside, looking up at the stars before he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He puts back on his human appearance and makes his way back to the apartment.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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