Sure, the pups are always nice to me, but it's not exactly because they like me very much, they kinda just know to be nice to everyone, all while I know that Zuma is genuinely nice to me in particular, which I guess is one of the things I like about him

Funny how we are the complete opposite of each other yet we are best friends. He likes water, I certainly don't. He is always relaxed, I can get stressed very easily. He is spontaneous, I overthink everything. He can be the soul of the party, I am a wallflower. He can befriend anyone easily, I'm more "complicated" for others to understand... and the list just goes on and on

It seems like the more I think about Zuma, the less likely it seems that he did this with bad intentions, so I should at least give it a try

"We'we hewe"

I was brought back by Zuma's voice, and looking around I realized we were already at the beach

Zuma got out if his hovercraft and looked at me, waiting for me to get off

Come on, Rocky, you can do this

However, just the sound of the waves made me nervous, so I quickly found a way to stall what was coming, "So, are we going to do this right now? 'Cause you should know we're supposed to wait about 30 minutes after eating before swimming, and we ate breakfast just a couple minutes ago, so... maybe we should just wait"

"I know that, but we'we not going to go thewe yet. You can't leawn how to swim if you can't even touch watew, so we'll do baby steps"

"Oh... right"

"So, follow me" Zuma said as he walked towards the ocean, then stopped at a site the ocean water just barely reached

"Youw fiwst step will be to stand hewe, and just feel the watew touch youw paws"

It seemed like an easy step, but just the thought if it brought shivers down my spine


"What's wrong, Wocky? Don't wowwy, I'll be wight hewe with you"His voice was so sweet and reassuring it gave me the courage to step right next to him...which I regretted immediately

As soon as I felt the water touch me, I froze up. I could no longer move, and Danny's voice echoed in my head

"Oh, no... he's been drinking again"

His screams repeated themselves in my head, getting louder each time

"Wocky? A-Awe you okay?" I could just barely hear Zuma's voice among the screams, but I still couldn't answer

I just stared with a blank expression, and even though I couldn't manage to talk, I was internally screaming in agony

A voice inside my head kept saying "it was your fault. Everything was your fault"

I was brought back by something touching my shoulder, but everything that had happened made me confused, and... scared, so I instinctively yelled "GET OFF ME!"

By the time I realized it was just Zuma, who was now looking at me with deep concern, I felt it was just too much

I burst into tears as I backed away from the sand and prepared to start running away, but I am stopped by Zuma bringing me into a hug. He didn't even say anything, he just held me as I emptied my tears in the side of his neck

We stood there as I cried on his shoulder for several minutes. I could see the people in the beach looking at me with concern and confusion, but I ignored them and continued to cry as I nuzzled Zuma's neck

I can remember him not knowing what happened, but still holding me closely as he said "It's okay, Wocky. I'm hewe", and "Evewything is going to be fine"

Too Smart to Love - RockyxZumaWhere stories live. Discover now