{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [30]

Start from the beginning

“Are you ok Andy?” Cassie said worried.

“Yeah, I just didn't pay enough attention. I should've been drinking more water and watching my diet closer.”

“Or taking medication. You know that PCOS is not something to take lightly. Look at your mom.”

“I know but I don't want to take a pill everyday either.”

“It's got to be better,” a loud knocking on the door, more of a pounding really, interrupted her.

“Andy?!” Dan's voice was higher than normal and I could tell his breathing was labored.

I opened the door meekly and leaned against the frame.

“Sorry Dan. I just wasn't feeling well.”

“Are you alright now? Do you need to go back to the bus?” He asked his eyes quickly running over me looking for signs of injury or distress.

“I'll be alright to finish. I didn't have much left, just Matt's microphone.”

“Are you sure?”


“You don't need to see a doctor or anything?”

“No, I'll be fine.”

“Andy?” Matt's voice reached me his eyes were slightly widened and his forehead creased with lines.

“I'm ok now really guys. I'm sorry. I didn't want to cause trouble today.”

“It's ok, we're just worried about you. Should I call Dr. Henderson?”

“No Dad, really, I'm fine.”

Matt looked at me for a minute and then his eyes turned to Cassie. “What do you think?”

“Andy's a smart girl. If she says she's ok then she's ok,” Cassie said.

Matt nodded but neither he or Dan budged.

“Ok guys you are going to have to move to let me out you know.”

They parted ways Dan to my right and Matt to my left. I sighed and started walking Matt and Dan keeping step beside me and Cassie trailing behind me. We reached the main stage and everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me. I quietly went back to the front to work on Matt's microphone. My cheeks were burning by the time I reached it and picked it up.

“Ok guys back to work. We have a show to prepare for here,” John yelled and I turned to give him a grateful smile. He gave me a sympathetic smile back and I popped the new batteries in and attempted to replace the battery case. I squinted at it my head pounding, a dull throbbing ache still in my stomach. I felt Dan's hands cover mine and the battery case slid back into place easily. I turned it on and this time it stayed on. I checked the sound levels and everything was good. As soon as I put the microphone in the stand I felt Dan's hand on my shoulder. I glanced up into his worried eyes.

“Andy, you still aren't feeling well.”

“I'm fine,” I insisted not wanting to bring down the first show any more than I already had.

“No you aren't. I'm taking you to the dressing room and I want you to lay down on the couch in there. Brian's in there hiding from De who's still sulking so you won't be alone.”

I had to smile a bit at that and Dan gave me a weak grin but it didn't meet his eyes shining with concern.

“I'll be fine really.”

“We're going.”

I didn't argue just followed him to the dressing room. Brian looked up from the chair he was sitting in as we came in. His eyes followed me to the couch. I sat down and glanced up as Dan hovered over me with a frown. I gave an exasperated sigh and lay down on the couch. Dan grabbed his jacket from the back of a close by chair and put it over me.

“Take a nap or whatever. I'll be back when the show starts and then I'll take you back to the bus after the show.”


“No buts. Tonight I'll tear down and load out for you.”

My mouth snapped shut as Danny's face settled into a stern look. He hovered for another minute and satisfied that I was going to stay on the couch turned and left.

“Are you alright?” Brian asked from his chair. I glanced over at the smell of a lit Marlboro.

“Yes?” I said raising my eyebrows.

“What Chelle doesn't know won't kill her.”

“You have to get on the bus with De tonight. If you smell like smoke she could use that as leverage to get her way with Aunt Chelle,” I said sitting up. I felt a little dizzy and lay back down.

“I know. I'll be careful,” he said looking at me. “Andy?”


“Do you think your hallucinations could be caused by your...condition?”

“They aren't hallucinations.”


“Uncle Brian.”

“You're going to be obstinate aren't you?”


He sighed. “Just give it a thought would you?”


He sighed again and took a long drag on his cigarette.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now