Chapter 2

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Hazel's Pov:
As I drifted into unconsiosness I thought about all the memories of before all Hell broke lose.
Flash back 2 years ago
(based on true event.)
It was a sunny Saturday, and I was about to get ready to head out with my best friend Lisa. I desided to wear a sweater, black pants and blue shoes. At 10'o clock we met on our favourite playground. We sat in silence for a few minuits, and than we just started talking.
If someone saw us, they would think that we were the usual besties, but we were something else. Yes, in a way we were like that. We talked about music, boys, but in another tone. Because if I say depression, you think trauma, maybe abuse, something bad. But it can all just come from your head. That was me. I had bad anxiety, and just a sprinkle of depression. I always wanted to get sick. Just to stay home, not to go to school. Me and Lisa, we were not best friends. We were sisters. And we thought the world is gonna End, we wanted all this thing called life to End. And the truth is, there was nothing really bad going on in my life. Lisa was abused , and I couldn'd do shit.
Siddenly I woke up to the beeping of a heart monitor.
Oh fuck! Not again!
I quickly sat up, and with that woke up man the myth the legend, fucking Tony Stark. He looked up at me, than droped his head back down.
- Good morning!
He said in a sarcastic tone.
- Hello tin man!
I replied with the fakest happy tone you will ever hear.

I quickly pulled out the needles that were in my arm, and just jumped off the table. My arm and hands were bandaged up, and they still hurt as they touched the side of the table. Tony looked at me wide eyes, and than grabed my arm.
- Uh, so I'm not gonna let you go, until I get to know who did this to you.
He said.
- Well if I tell you, then they will kill you, my family, and in the End me. So if you you let me, I have to go back to the shit home I have been living in my hole life.
And with that I slipped out of his hold on my hand and rushed out the door.
As I turned down the hall, I saw Capsickl in he's glory blocking my way.
-Hey Hazel! It's okay. We can help you. You don't have to go back.
-No! I have to go back. I can't leave my little sister there.
And with that I sliped under his feet, and ran.
-Wow. That was so cool!
I muttered.
The next turn I saw the lift. I ran with full speed, but of course Cap and Tony were following. The lift doors opened and I steped in. A few minuits later I arrived at the last floor, and I just zoomed out the front door, hopeing my asshole father didn't hurt my little sister.
10 minuits later I was already home, climbing in the back window. I saw my father sitting on a bench in the warehouse we have been living in these few days.

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