*Eight- Change of Mind*

Start from the beginning

"Uhm, yeah. Couldn't be better." I choose my words carefully, so Harry doesn't know that I'm talking about him to his dad. Somehow I just know it will make him mad.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course." I smile even though he can't see me. I know my answer is a lie, but I don't want Mr. Styles to stress about Harry.

"I tried calling Harry, but he didn't answer. I hope you guys enjoy the Broadway show tonight. I was really looking forward to it! The tickets are in Harry's bag, he knows where they are." He informs me. I proceed to telling him that I understand and that we will have a good time. I wish him a good day at work before hanging up the phone.

I should call my dad, but I vote against it. I drop my phone on the couch before bringing my fingers up to my eyes and rubbing. My makeup must look so smeared and awful. When my vision clears up, I see Harry sitting on one of the stools connected to the bar in the kitchen. I stand there awkwardly as I wait for him to speak. He continues to stare at his phone and I roll my eyes. I guess I'll be the first to talk.

"So, what time does the show start? You're dad said you have the tickets." Harry doesn't look up from his phone. "Hello?"

"We're not going to that." He mutters and I walk into the kitchen.

"Why not? Your dad wants us to go. He already bought the tickets."

"Well, I don't want to go anymore." He stands up from the stool and looks at me. He moves around me and opens up the large fridge in the back of the kitchen. Why is he so difficult? Why can't he just go to the damn show?

I know that Harry is going to be difficult and I don't have the energy to argue with him right now. I'm for sure going to go to the show, but I'm not going to tell Mr. Styles that Harry didn't go. That would upset him, I'm sure.

"Fine." I let him have his way. Maybe I'll call Niall and ask if he wants to come. I walk back into the living room and search in my bag for clothes for today. "Can I take a shower in the shower?" I ask quietly because I'm afraid to hear the answer.

"Are you going?" I look up from my bag and look at Harry with confusion. "You know, to the show?"

I hold back my eye roll I want to give Harry for ignoring my question. I nod my head, "Why wouldn't I? You're dad paid for them and he wanted us to go." I state and hear him scuff. I don't say anything else and niether does he. I continue picking out an outfit- pants and a simple white shirt. Yesterday was pretty cold, so I'll definetly have to wear my peacoat. I grab a fresh pair of underwear and hide them inside my other clothing before bringing Harry's attention to me. "I'm going to take a shower, okay?" I assure him and I'm happy when he nods his head. He doesn't look at me, but I'm glad that he didn't tell me no, like I was expecting him to do.

After a quick rinse off of my body and washing of the face, I finally step out of the elegant shower. It's much bigger than the one at my house, plus it has two shower-heads. I can't imagine how expensive this place must've cost Mr. Styles. It's not like he has an issue with money though. My dad said that he is one of the richest men back home. I put my unwashed hair into a cute, messy bun. It looks nice, so I don't frown to much at the little greace that coats the top of my head. I really should've washed my hair, but it looks fine enough for me. I keep my make-up low, as usual and place on my clothes. I messaged Mr. Styles before my shower and he told me he bought early tickets for the show and it starts at four. I check my phone and see that it's only eleven o'clock. I have time to spare. I could ask Harry if he wants to go do something, like explore Central Park, but I have a feeling he won't want to.

I go back into the living room and see Harry watching tv, still undressed. Maybe, he is just going to laze it out all day. Fine with me, just as long as he's not rude to me. I remember him saying last night that he'll try and be nicer to me, but so far, I don't see much of a difference. I put my dirty clothes in a separate part of my bag. I really should've brought a suitcase instead of this small bag. I don't have much clothes. I'll probably end up buying some here, even though they are extremely expensive.

"So, you're just going to sit and watch t.v all day?" I cross my arms at Harry and he shrugs. I roll my eyes and grab my phone out. I don't want to go alone to the show, so I guess I can ask Niall to come with me. He was cool to hang out with yesterday, plus there is an extra ticket anyways, since Harry doesn't want to go. Harry looks at me confused as I bring the ringing to my ear, but I walk into the kitchen to avoid his questioning stare.

"Hey, Niall. It's Olivia." I smile as he excitedly answers the phone.

"What's up?" He says on the otherline. It's really loud in the background and I can barley hear his voice. I wonder where he is.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to that show I told you about, with me. Harry decided not to go, so we sorta.." I hear the door to Harry's bedroom slam, causing me jump and stop talking. I look over my shoulder into the living room and notice the room is vacant and the t.v. i s turned off. Harry must've went into his room.

"Olivia?" Niall laughs and I gain my attention back to the phonecall.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, but I have that extra ticket if you want to go."

"Yeah! That sounds great!" He says and I'm relived. I didn't want to go alone. Niall plans to come pick me up from the hotel in twenty minutes, so we can go eat before the show and I happily agree. I tell him goodbye and push my phone back into my pocket. I grab out a clean glass before filling it up with water from the faucet. The water soothes my throat and I wash the cup before placing it back to it's original spot. I make my way into the living room again and call Harry's name, so I can tell him I'm going out with Niall for a bite to eat and the show later tonight. I don't want to just leave and not tell him where I'm going because he'll probably get upset just like yesterday.

"Harry!" I call again, but still no answer from his closed bedroom door. I hear shuffling from the inside when I put my ear up to it. "Niall is taking me to lunch and then we are going to that show. I'll be back later tonight." I shout through the door, hoping he hears me. The door knob jiggles and I step back from the door surprised. Harry opens it, fully clothed, hair styled nicer than before. He must've decided to go out somewhere else.

"Where are you going?" I ask as he brushes past me and heads towards the front door. He turns around when he reaches it and looks at me before shrugging.

"I decided to go to that show, or whatever." He states and a low scowl forms on my face. I know he is only coming now because he doesn't want Niall to go. Why does he care if he takes his ticket. He must just be that selfish of a person.

"I already told Niall though." I say upset. I already know that I'm going to have to tell Niall we have to cancel. They are Harry's tickets afterall.

"Oh, I didn't know. Sorry." He opens the door and I can hear the sarcasm in his voice. I know he is just trying to make me mad. Why is he so mean to me? I knew he wasn't going to change. "Come on." He demmands. I tell Harry that we need the tickets, but he pulls them from his back pocket before showing me he already grabbed them. I hold back a groan and make my way outside the doors. This night is going to be ruined and it's all Harry's fault.

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